The Vice Presidency revealed: Choc as VP, NXNW as NSA

Day 892, 14:37 Published in USA USA by Harrison Richardson


In case you weren't aware, check back to my previous article to realize that I am resigned to the fact that, for various personal and professional reasons, NXNW will not be able to serve as my Vice President.

This came as a huge blow to me. Sure, there is political fallout: losing a VP mid race seems bad and quite frankly NXNW was a very attractive candidate. However, more than that, I lost someone who I knew I could work with. NXNW and I shared a goal for America that transcended politics and we agreed to unite in pursuit of this common goal. Alas, it is not to be.

In some ways, this may turn out for the best. Should I win, NXNW will play a prominent role in my administration as National Security Adviser. I did not realize the implications involved in selecting a Vice President who would concurrently serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Eugene Harlot, among others, helped me find the fault in this selection in that politicizing the military will never lead to progress. I apologize to the Chiefs and the entire military for overlooking this small yet significant fact. The problem came with NXNW serving in an elected position rather than an appointed one. Indeed, I can see the concerns.

However, in many cases, the fallout from a backfire often leads to a resurrection of good ideas. Prior to selecting NXNW, I tossed around the idea of running a relative newcomer to the political scene as Vice President. This is a person who I wanted to groom as a future leader and someone whom I've worked with before and has been, more or less, apolitical for his time on Erepublik. I view this new selection as the best of both worlds. Not only will I be able to retain NXNW and his invaluable counsel on an appointed level, but I will be able to select, groom, and help one of the United States' up and coming players.

America, I am proud to announce that Chocolate McSkittles will serve as my Vice President

America, I am also proud to announce that, if elected, NXNW will shift to the prestigious role of National Security Adviser

It is not usual that a Presidential candidate releases those who would be in his cabinet before he is elected, but I think that in dealing with someone I once named as my Vice President, explaining the exact role that they will play in my administration is not at all improper.

I chose Chocolate McSkittles because he is one of our most promising young players. He is highly intelligent and has a skillset that matches my own. We disagree on some issues, which is good, because healthy debate never hurt anyone. Most importantly, however, we agree on major issues: foreign policy, domestic economics, and the military. Choc isn't a member of any political party; I am not choosing him to get myself any votes. I am choosing him to groom him as our next leader. This is the first step in my main domestic platform point of bringing new players in to the fold. I intend to follow through on all of my points.

I will link again to my platform (http://www.tinyurl/com/hr4potus) and hope that Gaius Julius and I continue what has been, so far, a very pleasant campaign.