The Value of Public Service and Opportunities Within the Government

Day 720, 09:45 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

The war at home has drawn to a close and now all North American territories are free from occupation. With no battles everyday the American people are slowly starting to become complacent. Instead of becoming complacent now is the perfect time for every able minded American to do their part to ensure the survival of future eAmerican citizens. Rather than focusing on building a new company or helping to rebuild our political parties we should instead focus on helping to build a stronger nation through education and mentorship.

James Strife has recently been named the new director of the eUSA Education Program. I believe that this program will be an instrumental program in the eUSA's future. If we are not only to survive as a country but thrive, we must have a well educated populace. Often new players enter this game confused and without direction. The mentorship and education program provides direction and education for each one of these new members. While mentors will guide new players, we also need a curriculum that will foster independent learning. We need enthusiastic citizens with new ideas to help us create educational documents to help teach new players. If mentoring is not your thing, but game play and creating a curriculum is, I also encourage you to contact James Strife to get involved.

As these new players learn and grow they will join the military and enter the business world, buying products and businesses at an alarming rate. They will be the backbone of a new and stronger America. It is our duty to make sure that as many of these players survive as possible and that they are knowledgeable in every aspect of the game. Right now the mentor program is looking for motivated mentors to help teach this new generation of Americans. I am asking each and every citizen that reads this article to consider joining the program and passing word along to your friends.Please contact James Strife to become a mentor or to help create new teaching documents:

James Strife:

Another program that could use help is the United States Ambassadorial Program. If you are interested in working with foreign nations or are versed in two or more languages please contact Dodgercatcher, Cromstar, or system0101. The ambassadorial program is critical to the United States State Department. It helps us gather information on both friendly and not so friendly countries. The contacts made can help in negotiations and also help foster friendly relationships that can lead to more down the road. If you are interested in becoming an ambassador please contact any of the following:

Dodgercatcher: [url][/url]


If you are bilingual and want to help contact Cromstar:
