The Value of Military Units and Other Community Supply Groups

Day 1,334, 12:04 Published in South Africa USA by Hamilton Moore
Greetings eSouth Africa

I haven’t written an article in a while but I’ve just been caught by the urge to write one. I’m not commenting on all of the various interesting stuff happening at the moment. There are lots of news worthy things happening and I’d urge you to support our resurgent media by reading and voting the good articles out at the moment and subscribing to any newspapers where the author has caught your attention. We need to support our active writers, especially those who are going to a lot of effort with some of these articles.

That being said let me not get too side-tracked. This article is about the move of eSA culture from a capitalist structure where one got the best bang for your buck by being a mercenary worker moving from job to job to get the best wage which bought the most resources, to a more communal structure where individuals get the best return by working for a group that supplies them. The best examples of these new groups are military units.

(At this point a little note that I’m not sure about eSAAf. I know they worked this way at some point, but honestly no idea how they currently operate).

The 3 primary supply units at the moment are ARMMD, eSAAF and Red Army. They each supply their members with supplies every day (or week depending on the unit). They also pay a nominal amount to their members but this amount is always well below the market wage. They make up for this with the value of the supply drop being vastly more valuable than buying with market wages. I’ll continue to explain with numbers.

Top wage on the market at time of writing article: 73.80 ZAR daily.

ARMMD’s (top level) supply drop: 20 x Q5 Food + 7 x Q5 Weapons

Now we could go either way, but I’m going to use approximate market prices on food and weapons as our market today currently went through a MASSIVE fluctuation so ignore that and use normalish numbers. These aren’t the lowest prices you can get but they are the most likely price you will get from my market watching.

Q5 food = 3.30 ZAR
Q5 weapon = 35.00 ZAR

If you take ARMMD’s supply drop that is:

20 x 3.30 = 66
7 x 35.00 = 245
Plus their 20 ZAR daily wage
Total: 331 ZAR daily.

So top market wage = 73.80 ZAR versus 331.00 ZAR (ARMMD equivalent).

I deliberately used ARMMD’s supply drop because they offer the best supply drop at the moment. It’s crazy good. If you look at the numbers I think you’ll agree that getting supplied with resources like that is the best way to maximise your character’s growth.

There are pro’s and con’s of joining a military unit as well, but from the supply perspective, I hope people can see how it may be a good idea to investigate any of these 3 groups to see what it takes to join up with them. And believe me there are cons. For instance because I used the word Red random extreme left organisations keep contacting not realising I’m a capitalist king baby! (But that’s a story for another time)

I’d be interested if anyone has a differing opinion on this matter? Please comment below!

Thanks for reading,

-Hamilton Moore
Red Army Co-Commander