The USWP National Convention - Day 266 - 14:00

Day 265, 22:02 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

On August 12th, 2:00 PM Pacific Time, the United States Worker's Party will be begin holding its first national convention in its IRC chat room.

We hope that all members of the USWP will show interest in the convention, which will be used for laying the groundwork of our August-September platform. It will be a great place for members of our party to come and meet eachother, meet our leadership, ask questions, and find a position to take which will help the USWP and the eUSA.

To attend the convention, join the USWP forums here -

Once you are masked, look to this topic for instructions on joining the chat -

If you don't have the time to go through the masking process, just go to and click "LAUNCH Rizon IRC". Then choose a nickname and join. Then type /join #uswp .

At this point you should be in the USWP official IRC chat. We will be holding the convention here. Hope to see you there.