The Unity Rebirth

Day 280, 01:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chrissetti

With former Mayor of Leeds at the helm, The Unity Party has finally begun it's long-awaited revival.

More and more TUP members are becoming active on the eUK forums, a brand new mission statement is being drafted as we speak and a brand new logo was today unveiled to the general public.

A couple of unexpected victories in the Mayoral elections (no doubt bolstered by anti-PCP protest voting) and more candidates than ever before are clearly signs that the TUP finally has the energy they had previously been lacking.

Is this purely a result of new leadership, which has clearly played a part, or is it the wave of enthusiastic newbies who have fallen under the Unity wing and have a real active interest in the political side of the game?

The only downside thus far has been a staunchly Round-Earth policy, which seems to be being run without even conscious thought which may alienate the multitudes of Flat Earthers.