The Unity Party Does Not Condone Cheating

Day 419, 08:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

Controversy surrounds The Unity Party this week, as Party President Candidate, and possible Country President Candidate; Ares989 is banned from for multi accounting, and leaking information from a private party forum.

Ares, under the guise of Apollo171, gained access to the PCP private forum, and leaked information found there to various members of The Unity Party. Admins soon caught on to this, cleverly matching the ip address of Ares989 to Apollo171, and uncovering his secret.

Ares protested his innocence, claiming that he had in fact been in hospital at the time of the alleged crime, and that his friend Apollo was simply checking his account. However, after an investigation was carried out by forum Admin, much evidence has arisen that proves that this story is a complete fabrication. Final Destiny, forum Admin and TUP member, who has fully cooperated with this case, has drawn similar conclusions. It is sad to say, that Ares has been found guilty of his crimes, and has been referred to the in-game Admin for further investigation and punishment.

At the TUP Clubhouse, we respect the Admins decision to ban Ares from the forum. We would like to state;

1. Ares was not working with the knowledge or backing from this party.
2. We certainly do not condone cheating of any kind.
3. Ares is no longer welcome within the TUP forum.

Our members have always attempted to conduct themselves correctly and morally upon the forum, and so we are deeply saddened that such a prominent member of our party would attempt to drag our good name through the mud. Any other member of The Unity Party should be wary of considering similar actions. We are of the belief that private forums should stay private, and to infiltrate and leak sensitive information in this manner is inexcusable.

In regards to the information that Apollo171 leaked to our party members; out of respect for the People's Communist Party and their members, we shall not publish or publicly discuss any information that we may now have. Your secrets are safe with us.