The United States Worker's Party

Day 226, 22:59 Published in USA USA by Jordan Miller

A number of papers have mentioned the USWP and tacked on the label "Socialist" or "Far-Left". Whether they have done this with good or bad intentions, a bit of clearing up is needed.

These papers are presuming, as the USWP has not issued any formal mission statement or charter, although one is in the final stages of being worked on and will be released shortly. It does not, however, follow an overtly socialist or far-left platform.

The Party President Roby_Petric has been vehement in his insistence that the USWP remains a center-left organization aimed at promoting transparent and responsible government, worker's rights, and strong democratic principles.

The Party has plans to change its name soon, as this seems to be the strongest reason the term "socialist" is being tacked on.

This paper will continue to cover some of the early developments of eUSA's newest major party as it makes its debut on the world stage.