The United Kingdom: Why Can't We Be Friends?...Anymore

Day 721, 10:53 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

I must admit that when I first came to the eUK as part of my eWorld Tour I thought I was just going to write an article mocking them for turning their backs on their former allies. I assumed I would make some jokes about British people having bad teeth and then move on to my next destination. However, when I interviewed the Prime Minister of the eUK he said something that struck me. More on that later of course, but now some facts and some history for those who don’t know it.

eUS GDP: 3321.6 Gold
eUK GDP: 532.9 Gold
eUS Exchange Rate (USD to Gold): 40.12:1
eUK Exchange Rate (GBP to Gold): 32.84:1
eUS Active Population: 4585
eUK Active Population: 1369

The eUK and the eUS used to be best buds. It was like the eUK was another Bro in the Brolliance, and not a step-bro, but a real deal blood bro. Considering the real life links between the two countries it seems natural that the eCountries would be friendly too. For the majority of V1 they had been, but as with life, things change. When Atlantis fell the many nations that had once been allied under the Atlantis banner were left vulnerable and had to decide what to do. Eden was starting to form and the eUK, eCanada, eIreland, eSpain, and eUS all had to figure out whether they would join Eden or embark on their own. They started working to form an alliance that was to be known as Fortis, but ultimately this alliance never came to be. After much debate in their country, the eUK decided that they would not join Fortis. What shocked many was that rather than join Fortis, or even remain neutral, the eUK decided to join the long time enemy of the former Atlantis countries, PEACE. Within weeks the eUS, eSpain, and eCanada were being invaded from all sides by PEACE with the help of the eUK. The insult and outrage was rampant, and to this day many in the invaded countries would like nothing more than to invade the eUK.

What the future of relations between the eUK and eUS holds is unclear. For the time being they are enemies, but as I’ve already said, things can change, and change suddenly, in eRepublik. Personally, when I heard that the eUK had joined PEACE, I assumed that they had been PTOed. It turns out that it was more complicated than that and that even within the eUK there was a great deal of uncertainty about what should happen. It’s easy for us in the eUS to consider the eUK traitors for leaving their long time allies, and to some extent we should be outraged, but that wouldn’t be telling the whole story. The eUK was in a much more dangerous position after Atlantis fell than the eUS was. They already shared borders with PEACE member France, and with an open war existing between the two countries invasion was a constant threat. Though many in the former Atlantis countries, and even some in PEACE countries, would call what the eUK did betrayal I now believe that the eUK was simply watching out for themselves in the best way they thought they could. I still disagree with it, but I can understand it. I understood it even better after I talked to the Prime Minister of the eUK, Mr Woldy.

Q: The eUK joining PEACE came as a surprise to many eAmericans, was it as sudden as is seemed to all of us or was it a thought out process?
A: It was a very long debate in congress with multiple votes. I was in congress during the whole period of discussions and votes, and witnessed the shift from pro-USA thought to pro-PEACE.

Q: What drove the eUK to join PEACE?
A: "Is a country not entitled to make their own choices?
No said the man in Washington. Your choice belongs to us
No said the man in Bucharest. It belongs to ATLANTIS
No said the man in Stockholm. We took it from the Germans.
Well, we in the United Kingdom, we chose something different.
We chose PEACE"
Many factors such as antagonism from the US, and people’s general feeling towards PEACE countries shifted people's opinions. Security was beginning to worry some people and we all knew neutrality would not last. A decision had to be made.

Q: Was there a rift between the eUK and the rest of Atlantis that caused the eUK to join PEACE that was hidden to most citizens?
A: There wasn't a rift, and we're not the only Atlantis country to have joined PEACE, the problem with Atlantis is that people were only allies on paper, there was no social side to the alliance and no bonds were created between member countries. Nobody was friends, it was just a bunch of people who relied on each other.

Q: Do you think that eUK is doing better now that it is allied with PEACE than it was before joining PEACE?
A: Yes, it was a progressive choice to make at that time. That doesn't mean to say we wouldn't be any worse/better off had we not have joined.

Q: Do most people in the eUK agree with joining PEACE or are there still some who think it was a mistake?
A: Everyone who has lived through the transition period and took an active role in society knows it was a good decision.

Q: How do you think joining PEACE after being allied with Atlantis for so long affected the image of the eUK?
A: Well the trolls like to claim backstabbing and conspiracy is rampant amongst a few political figures in the eUK, which causes less than flattering articles to be released. Not many people pay much attention to them, and it reminds me of the kind of people we no longer have to be allied with. I can't bear to imagine having to fight with the Swede in the past, for example.

I’d like to thank Mr Woldy for answering my questions. I don’t honestly know how people are going to react to this article. Some might think I’m making excuses for the eUK, others might think that I make some good points. I’ve tried my best to see things from both sides and just write about what happened and how it made people feel, but any time long time friends become enemies it makes it hard to be objective. I still would like to see the eUS and eUK reunited on the same side someday, but I also know that day won’t be soon. I hope to publish an article soon that takes a break from the eWorld Tour, but after that I’m on to my next destination. So until then, thanks for reading.