The United Israeli Independents Party Mission Statement

Day 969, 16:54 Published in Israel Israel by UIIP Official Org
Shalom and Welcome

I'm pleased to introduce the...

United Israeli Independents Party

A Brief History of the IDP/UIIP

The UIIP used to be the IDP, the Israeli Democratic Party. Today we begin an exciting new chapter in our party's short history.

We were founded in the days leading up the the July 2010 Israeli Presidential election by CRoy with three goals: build national unity, develop new players into future country leaders, and encourage community involvement. CRoy also believed that adding a third candidate into the two-way election campaign would be a great way to stimulate activity and encourage a more policy-centric national debate.

The IDP supported long time eIsraeli and former CP candidate Aeroner, who had earlier bowed out of the July race to allow current CP Franz to run as the Shalom candidate. At the time of the elections, we had around 18 members, if that, but we managed to pull in 49 votes for Aeroner in the election.

The IDP built upon this success by growing more during the days between the CP and PP elections than any other party, despite lacking a forum, a constitution, a developed recruiting program, or any other basic party structure. So, we began working on these things. Great friend of eIsrael Jamarcus returned to the country to begin this process, and the idea for the UIIP was born.

The UIIP and the UIP

The IDP has teamed up with the United Independents Party of the eUS. It is a perfect match. Many of their past and current members have strong ties with eIsrael (Jamarcus, Joshua Hoss, Kazeal, StygianSteel, PikeZH638, Jewitt, and I'm sure many more), and the ideals of the UIP align seemlessly with those of the IDP. The UIP believes in national unity, independence of thought, and having a party (as in have a fun time at the party dude!). These three things were exactly what CRoy envisioned when creating a new eIsraeli political party, and are three of the four central tenets of the UIIP mission statement. The other? Dedication to eIsrael.

The UIIP will operate as an independent branch of the UIP. The partnership between the UIIP and the UIP will all us to share forum space, provide our members access to UIP programs and education opportunities, and share a limited amount of resources (like the amazing logo created by Shino336). Most of all, this arrangement will significantly strengthen the ability of eIsrael and educate and retain new citizens. If we weren’t sure of this, this partnership would not have been formed.

Let me stress this one more time: The UIIP is an independent branch of the UIP. We are made up of eIsraelis, and we are dedicated the the strength, growth, and safety of eIsrael above all other domestic and international concerns. The UIIP controls its own destiny.

Some may seek cheap and quick political gain by questioning the national loyalty or motives of the UIIP. If you are reckless enough to try this, go right ahead.

We will prove you wrong \o/


Mission Statement of the United Israeli Independents Party

Our Mission Statement is identical to that of the UIP, with the addition of a section about our dedication to eIsrael.

UNITED - It is through unity that we find strength as a party. We are united in a desire to put the good of the country before the good of our party. We are also united in our belief in the importance of equal opportunity and free speech. We believe that debate and an open competition of ideas is critical in helping to determine the direction of both our party and country. We uphold the importance of friendliness, helpfulness, and charity, believing that people are more important than politicking. Our goal is to move the nation forward together in the best possible way, and to define that way through intelligent debate.

ISRAELI - We pledge to put the best interest of eIsrael ahead of ourselves and our party. This is critical to our national unity, development, and survival. We accept members from all backgrounds and all countries, but we expect all to put the good of eIsrael first in their eHearts and eMinds. We are dedicated to the existence of an eState of Israel in eRepublik, and when we are threatened as a nation, we will seek to ensure eIsrael’s survival above all other personal and party concerns.

INDEPENDENTS - Our party recognizes the foundational importance of individualism and free thought. Our party makes no member requirements based on political ideologies. We reject the notion of a "hive mentality" and stand as a party for those who don't wish to be part of a mindless conglomerate. We recognize the value of every party member, and are committed to supporting candidates and leadership solely on the basis of individual merit.

PARTY - We are committed to having a good time! We strive to create a positive atmosphere where all people, both members and non-members alike, feel valued and welcomed. Our goal is to not simply be a party, but a community that will help keep everyone motivated and entertained. We pledge to work hard to in trying to be genuinely helpful to our party members, our fellow citizens, our nation, and our world.


Special thanks to Kazeal, Shino336, and Chris Shnitzel for helping me set this all up.

The forums will be up shortly, the IRC is up and running at #uiip. Come over and say hi!

We hope that you’ll join us for this journey! It is going to be a great time.

All the best,
The United Israeli Independents Party

Party President