The Unification of the Nation

Day 1,531, 09:21 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by Veruvia

Usually, party politics is the very thing that keeps us alive but, this month, it might very well be the case that party politics could cripple the nation. Elect the wrong person and we end up in a situation where we are forced to continue another month of losses, another month where some of us might be thinking "Is it really all worth it?". This month, we can do something special. Elect temujin94 and see what he can do with a great team and a nation behind him.

The presidential elections represents a rare moment for the nation to judge and determine the success of the incumbent's term in office. It manifests itself in two ways. The first is if the incumbent is running for a second term, in which case, the characteristic judgement of their performance is an increase or decrease in the no. of votes for said person. The second judge is if the incumbent is not running but if someone from their party is running. In this case, it's a strong judge of the incumbent's performance in the previous election is maintained by an average number of votes. The previous election represented a genuine opportunity for the nation to have a debate about the policies and the direction that it was heading towards. Was our membership to ONE universally supported or did the dissenting voices simply get drowned out? Could we have been more diplomatic in our relations with France, Canada and Ireland? Is this war a product of our membership to ONE or a product of our own conceit and folly in thinking we could continue to defeat the Irish without reparation?

We failed to get that debate and yet, despite the criticism and the antagonistic approach some people adopted when the incumbent was elected to office, we have joined together in solidarity to fight in a battle that few of us will live to forget. We have fought the Irish. We have fought the Canadian. We have fought the French. We have fought them individually. We have fought them together. Regardless, we have fought them as a nation, unified in our determination to remind our allies, the alliance and the world what it means to be British - to stand up, to raise arms against our oppressors and fight 'til we have nothing left within us.

Great Britain needs a leader. It needs someone who can stand tall, to rally the troops against the continuing invasion of this great nation. The United Kingdom has the opportunity, a rare opportunity indeed, to support one man for the presidential elections and one man alone. This man is temujin94, former country president and a man who might very well inspire the best in all of us. We need a man with a experience. We need a man who knows what he wants to achieve. We need a man who bring the nation together under one banner. We need a man who can stand before us proudly and state that we will not stop, we will not surrender and, by god, we will never forget.

Can temujin94 guarantee us victory? No! Can temujin94 guarantee us a Congress? No! What he can guarantee us is a fight to the teeth, to fight with tooth and nail, skin and bone to do everything we can to put ourselves in a stronger position. Temujin94 is a leader. He brings people together and he has a vision. He has a plan. The success of that plan depends on you, the people, to listen, to learn and to do.

Ladies and gentlemen, today, you have the opportunity to do something great. Put down the sword and shield of party politics and instead take arms with the banner of the United Kingdom, raise your head high with the helmet emblazoned with great British pride and remember that, on the 5th of February, you only need to support one man: temujin94.