The uni collective is seeking followers

Day 296, 15:38 Published in Ireland USA by Inanis

We have laid low for some time now, but the gates are opening.
As we reach out for those with the gift of wisdom and they who seek to empower themselves.
Enough with the spiritual pritprat xD

We are on the verge of restructuring our housing project, a project which I developed back in the great mountainstate of switzerland and we made into reality in the lush forest plateaus of the promised land Bulgaria.

The aim is simple, cheap houses for all who work with us, and eventually all citizens of the nation.
We gift our employees to be at 90+ wellness level and those involved enough will be offered a place amongst our ranks.
Should you be in need of anything you can state so and we will do what we can to provide.

all who are interested pm me and we can talk,
that the unity be binding.