THE UKPP Update 10.09.2019

Day 4,312, 05:25 Published in United Kingdom Argentina by Sir Nigel Farage


Hello Family Members and Former British Empire Founding Fathers,

Great news, we have been successful in purchasing the rights for The UKPP, the auction was pretty hot and bidding was fierce but we won, so forevermore this shall be our new name.

You from henceforth can call me Mr UKPP,I will dedicate my whole elife to our cause.

Indubitably we are the most progressive members in the eUK, so the name fits like a red maga cap.

I would like to say a big thanks to all members who after reading my newsletter yesterday started to give to our party funds, the only quid pro qou I can give you in exchange is my time and energy my friends. If you didn't know on the 25th of this month, I will be renaming our current party Losers Club, setting up a new party called The UKPP and everyone can just move over, it's makes what the evil PTO'ers pretty much worthless just like them.

If you didn't already know the former party, my former party The UKPP was taken over by Serbian and Irish communists, and they renamed themselves Pirates Cat Party (This is no anachronistic.) but it is clear to everyone they are just another arm of the PCP Peoples Communist Party. They support Antifa, and our insiders tell us PN is one of the leading members of this movement.We will be naming and shaming the rest very soon.

Communism has no place in a free society and why do people on the far left adopt the quintessential bright pink hair?Very strange.

We will continue the fight the Pto'ers (Antifa) and we shall never surrender, we will carry on being nonchalant you can't silence the Right though acts of micro aggression.

So party members of The UKPP that is our scintillating plan of action.
I have new avatar frames if you wish to add one.

Yours Sincerely,
President The UKPP