The UCP... Do it

Day 302, 08:42 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

Have you yet to join a political party or are wishing to change parties? Put on your reading glasses, get settled in your comfy chair, and grab a glass of whatever it is you drink because you are about to read another party recruitment article.

I am posting this on behalf of the UCP, United Constitutionalists Party. We are currently one of the top 5 political parties in eUSA and have had numerous citizens put into office. The UCP isn't the largest or most well known party out there, but we take pride in knowing that we still make a difference in eUSA through honest politics and loyalty to our nation. Can you think of one political scandal or fault that has been associated with the UCP? I can't.

We are fundamentally an independent party that sees individual ideas at face value. What that means is that we see a person’s ideas for what they are and nothing more. We aren’t going to pass judgment on someone just because they have an idea that strays from the mainstream. Everyone is going to have different ideals and values and that’s just how it is. Free speech and open discussion are just two ways that the UCP helps others cultivate their thoughts into becoming more.

Old or new, your voice counts. Everyone has an equal chance to become someone within the party. Let me point out one member in particular, Angrr. Take a look at some of the articles he has written and the amount of time he has actually been a citizen in eRepublik. Due to his activity within the party and in the media he has become an invaluable member to our team. Some have gone so far as to call him a multier just to keep him from running for mayor this next election. Just in case some of you have your doubts he does not own multiple accounts and all of the charges have been dropped.

No, we don’t offer you money for joining like some other parties may have be doing. I’m sorry, but nowhere on does it say that true democracy consists of buying votes. What we do offer are guaranteed employment in 3 different fields with excellent starting wages, a gift exchange program that is constantly looking for new takers, guides and informative articles on how to excel in the game, and one of the friendliest and open environments the eUS has to offer. If none of that appeals to you it's your loss.

If anything in this article has peaked your interest please send me a message or feel free to join our party at your leisure. We love seeing new faces on our roster and hope that you will let us help you succeed in eRep.
