The Two Sides of a Coin

Day 1,328, 02:52 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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The national eIndian chat can be found by joining #India on the Rizon channel or by clicking on Chat Room on the national forums. Activity is the key to a better eIndia! ++

So far 13 people have logged in to tell the world that they're aktive for eIndia! Are you aktive too? Sign in on the forums and drop a message in the Aktive Association's thread (you can find it under eRepublik Introductions on top of the main page!)

Are you a new player? Don't you have any Gold to spend on a newspaper? Are you an eIndian citizen willing to start up an active newspaper? Then you should message me and I will help you with the funds and advice that you need to start up your very own news agency! (9/10 left)

Please take a minute to have a look at this new eIndian newspaper! Fair News was created a few days ago by Gcttirth and it sure is a very active and promising paper!

Nations rise and nations fall, that's the way it is in life and in this game. But right now I wouldn't know what eIndia is currently up to, are we rising or falling?

We are falling because we are under heavy attack, we all know that and even though we are giving everything we have it is a very tough battle and there is a big chance we'll lose. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't give up hope. Use this war to gain experience and learn to fight! Get to know your fellow soldiers and make friends for life, the battlefield is a tough place but if we stick together we'll get through. And even if we lose our country, that doesn't mean we are lost, it simply means that we don't have a house. But a house can be rebuild and with every great eIndian in this game I'm sure that house will be even better than the one that's being broken down right now.

We are rising because we gain experience, experience on the battlefield and next to it in every other field. We are rising because our numbers are growing, every day more eIndians are born and so far it doesn't seem that our growth is slowing down. And as long as our numbers grow we will keep on rising and in the end we'll come out stronger. Stronger in numbers and stronger in the way we act. We may be in dark times, but at the end of every tunnel there is light. And the light at the end of this tunnel seems to be even brighter than most other tunnels, the only thing we'll have to do is stay on the train and in the end we'll leave the tunnel. And when we have left that tunnel, it'll be our time! It'll be eIndia's time to grow and strike and we'll once rule more land than we could've ever imagined.

Do not fear your enemy, accept that he might be stronger at this point, but realize that we will come out stronger in the end and that we'll strike back twice as hard! Remember that you are eIndian and part of our great community and remember that we all have eachothers back. As long as we are eIndians, eIndia will not disappear, it will only keep getting stronger and we shall finaly show our real strenght!

Jai Hind!
