The Two Parties

Day 1,192, 08:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

There were some people felt uneasy with the party traits of eMalaysia.

At our peak, we used to have several active parties:
Federal Unity Party (FUP)
Pakatan Rakyat (PKR)
Democratic Action Party (DAP)
Djozikeist Church of Malaysia (DCoM)
Peace And Freedom Party (PAFP)
Hypnotoad Party

Although we were seem to be likely a multi party nation, but the contradiction was usually between FUP and DAP.

Now, let me forward with my short discussion.
We had experience with Multi Party System. It open diversion of ideas and community groups. In theory, it’s democratically positive for that. However, at a certain point we were exposed to PTO done by eSerbian through DCoM; while we were continuously arguing amongst ourselves.

Then, we tried the One Party System. It’s like the one that’s practiced by communist countries. In the end we were cheated by a facist regime of another stupid PTOer.

Now we are in the Two Party System.
Hopefully we can avoid the threat from PTOers, yet we compete positively in building our nation. (There were an alien force trying to break this by creating an alien party; lucky for us admin banned them immediately after we reported)
Of course by the Two Party System the potential of faction is high, and we are again probably will continue arguing each other. But, let it be… Brothers in arm quarreling is normal.
We are still blood brothers…

I’m nominating myself for congress again for the 3rd time; representing PAFP… While my previous terms were in some chaotic political situations, but now we are in peace thus I'm and looking forward to get involve in refining our future objectives.

May God bless us all.