The Twist...

Day 4,968, 19:48 Published in USA USA by LoganBeary

Beerus entered with a loud crash. It sounded like a thunderstorm raging in the room.

How did he do that? Maybe I could get him to teach me. It was the sound of awakened destruction, and I liked it.

“What’s up, Lord B?” I said, snagging another butter cookie from the tin.

“I was summoned here by the greater powers.” He replied, stoically.

Gnilraps looked over at DeepChill as the tiniest hint of a smile came to his face. I might have missed it, had I not been looking so intently at all of them trying to figure out what was going on. Something was amiss.

My heart started to race as my brain quickly ran through all the possible scenarios for why Lord Beerus had been summoned. I couldn't help but think the worst. Was this the end of the cutest bear in ehistory? I was too young to die! I shook my head quickly as I tried unsuccessfully to rid my brain of these terrible thoughts.

“What’s going on guys? You’re making me super nervous.” I said, with a noticeable quiver in my voice. Beerus laughed maniacally as he shot lightning bolts out of his hands. The lights flickered and then went black.


A clock somewhere in the room ticked loudly, as I tried to look for the closest door or window to escape. I couldn't see anything and the room was silent except for the sounds of breathing. The silence was disconcerting.

Oh. My. Goodness. I was freaking out. Could my friends really have turned on me? It seemed unfathomable.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, something interrupted my horrific thought pattern. A spotlight faced the western wall of the room where a huge chandelier hung on the high ceiling. Something green jumped from the ceiling to the chandelier and started singing “Happy Birthday.”

“TREKKER! YOU’RE BACK!” I squealed. I hadn't realized how long I'd been holding my breath until it all came rushing out of me at that moment.

“Just in time for your first ebirthday, LB! You know I wouldn’t miss that for the world!” He replied from atop the sparkling chandelier.

Just then the lights turned on and all of my efriends had the cutest little birthday hats and streamers. Even Gnilraps wore a hat, although he pretended to scowl the whole time. I knew deep down he was loving every second of it. I winked at DeepChill, and he blew a kiss my direction.

“WDIB2!!! You made it!” I almost screamed with joy.

These guys had helped me find my way in the eRepublik world, and the past year had been exciting for me. They had made me feel like I had a place here, even as the new kid, and I loved them all.

Someone in the back of the room held up a red cup filled with some type of mystery beverage and started chanting “SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH!”

I got up on the bar to the sound of a few whistles, and started my speech…

“Um, I’d like to thank my parents…” I threw my head back and laughed.

This was the best birthday ever...