The truth behind the Woxan presidency, Poland-Mexico war and Hello Kitty battle

Day 930, 00:58 Published in USA Hungary by Dante Alagherii
Does everyone remember the time Woxan was President? It was only a short time ago. Just before our last President HR, Woxan was elected. That same month adios_pl was elected as President of Poland. At the time, Poland was by far the most imposing nation in the eWorld, with 60,000 citizens. Their population was twice as much as the next most populous nation.

Before Woxan, PigInZen was the American President. During his presidency USA left EDEN, so when Woxan came into office the next month, he was presented with an interesting situation. Public opinion works in a funny way, and even though PigInZen and the March Congressmen weren't elected with leaving EDEN as a campaign promise, their decision was accepted by the populace. So when Woxan assumed office, he was riding on the wings of the Brolliance. USA was going to make its own alliance, and talk to other nations, but also still work with EDEN.

So, that month, just as every President before him, Woxan and his cabinet were presented with keeping America safe.

At the same time in Poland, adios_pl won the presidency. His in-game campaign goals were to conquer America's fortresses regions.

Yesterday I saw this article in Poland. The newspaper in question is High Times, the most popular newspaper in Poland, with almost 9000 subscribers. Here is the translation of an interesting paragraph from the article:

"Adios_pl - as the President announced an ambitious national goal: conquer three U.S. states. Then the Americans sabotaged his brilliant invasion of Mexico. Hmmm, perhaps because he took office and virtually declared war on them? Lord. What happened later, out of pity passed over in silence. The impeachment is interesting in itself: adios_pl's successor was none other than, a... waiter! Rofl."

After I saw that article, I realized that the Polish people know the truth behind Poland's attempted invasion of Mexico. So, I've decided to write an article so that our people have some idea about what really happened in the past months.

To get back to the story, in this new era of America not being a part of a firm alliance structure, diplomacy was conducted with many nations. Before Woxan had come into office, a non-aggression pact was negotiated in Asia. USA, Serbia and Hungary would lay off each other's fortresses. Serbia and Hungary even offered to pay rent to China, but China refused. PHX and USA were happy as long as EDEN was kept out of Asia.

At the same time, Poland and Spain had a meeting with 8 PHX nations about invading USA. A member of Phoenix gave this log to Max McFarland, USA's National Security Advisor. He published the log in what was the most epic article I've ever seen. 3000 votes and 500 comments. And that's only the comments left standing, since many of the comments have been deleted since. All the fury of former allies was unleashed. It was American citizens vs the citizens of EDEN. Everyone had a chance to grieve about their old allies, and how they've done them wrong, but haven't had a chance to express earlier because they didn't want to troll their allies.

So, things were up in the air for a little while. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. EDEN and USA didn't trust each other, and they both had independent dealings with PHX. American MPPs with Poland, Spain and Romania were left to expire.

Then one day Poland declared war on Mexico. It was just midday in America, and it caught everyone by surprise. This is how events went in quick succession:

Andalucia was conquered by Poland in the war versus Spain

Canary Islands was conquered by Poland in the war versus Spain

President of Poland proposed a war declaration against Mexico (4200 gold)

President of Poland proposed an alliance with Mexico


I remember trying to make sense of the events at the time. There were 3 possible intended outcomes to the events that had transpired. Either Poland was going to invade USA; or they were going to go to South America to turn their Peruan colonies into a part of Poland proper; or there was an agreement with USA to pass to Asia.

The Polish proposal of an alliance with Mexico also confused people at first. But that was done because the Mexicans moved 100 gold into the treasury and wanted to sign an MPP with a strong Phoenix nation, and like this the Poles blocked that 100 gold for 24 hours. The Poles shot down their own suggestion of the alliance in their Congress.

At the same time, Romania had convinced Hungary that they would invade America as well. Here is an excerpt from my interview with Feherlofia Koppany about those events:

Q: So what did that deal look like? Did [Romania] say they were gonna attack america with poland and spain?

A: They aimed to reach the USA coasts through Slovakia, Austria and France. They asked cooperation from France and meanwhile they contacted us to help them. Poland declared war on mexico, they told us that its to reach and conquer california. However I dont know if it was the real objective, or they just wanted to pass to Asia. You know about 3 weeks ago there was a RL meeting in Budapest, where the Hungarian and Romanian president met but as you can see, the intentions of the Romanian president was just to backstab us 🙂

Q: So after the brazilians blocked the poles in the canaries why did phx decide to strike rhone alps? The eden-usa gap was widening, there was a lot of mistrust and then u guys had that huge invasion day that brought things together for usa and eden.

A: I dont know the reasons exactly I was absent that time, but as I know Russians decided to atack Poland at their original territories, managed to grab some, and the chain of events provided the possibility for PHX to attack RA. After the Polish declaration of war on Mexico PHX decided to sign MPPs with Mexico to save them and Brazil attacked canary. I disagreed with this step, because if we would have let Poland to reach USA this would have broke the EDEN relationship finally.

Q: So phx knew that poland wasnt going after usa? Or they couldnt take the chance of them not going to usa?

A: There was a lot of doubt, if there is an agreement between the USA and Poland or not. As you know I left the PHX administration some weeks ago so I dont know every detail. Of course in the view of the latest events it seems it was a mistake 🙂

So, remember what made me write this article? This paragraph from the High Times:

"Adios_pl - as the President announced an ambitious national goal: conquer three U.S. states. Then the Americans sabotaged his brilliant invasion of Mexico. Hmmm, perhaps because he took office and virtually declared war on them? Lord. What happened later, out of pity passed over in silence. The impeachment is interesting in itself: adios_pl's successor was none other than, a... waiter! Rofl."

At the time, USA was playing EDEN and PHX off each other to stay safe. All the other nations were doing the same thing. Using diplomacy to stay safe. USA wasn't informed of Poland's true intentions in Mexico. So, Poland had to be stopped before it could reach Mexico. How would USA do this?

At the time, it was thought that Poland had plans to advance north through Mexico to hit California. Who knows the real truth here? I asked adios_pl about it, and he says "no way." He says that his campaign goals of invading USA were his demonstration against USA leaving EDEN. But, alas, USA couldn't take the chance of having European nations from both EDEN and PHX invade us, so USA made a deal with Brazil. Even though Brazil is a Phoenix nation, they obliged America and hit Poland in the Canaries. This was done in exchange for considerations in South Africa. In the end, Brazil and Argentina got a short-term rental of HI diamond regions there. South Africa was happy to oblige because EDEN had wanted South Africa to attack Brazil, after which South Africa would get wiped out, which would make them open for citizenship. After that, South Africa would have become a colony much like Peru.

So, Brazil attacked South Africa to get a chain reaction war with Poland, and then proceeded to block Poland in the Canary Islands.

So then the big PHX-EDEN war erupted. In the aftermath of the invasion of Mexico, PHX and EDEN opened up battles on every possible front in the first 2 days, and spent 100,000 gold in a single week.

This conflict divided the world into 2 halves, and USA was back fighting with EDEN. MPPs with Poland, Spain, and Romania were re-signed.

The Asian deal remained in place however. At the battle of Hello Kitty, USA didn't fight until the closing stages of the battle after EDEN's victory was certain, probably just to get into battle stats.


So what caused all these events to happen?

Was Poland too powerful for its own good, so USA left EDEN to pursue its own alliance?

Well, after adios_pl, it's been "adios, Poland." Poland is down from 60,000 citizens to just over 30,000.

USA and EDEN are working together again, and the mood about a shared future is optimistic.

Interestingly, the new French President said yesterday, "Entente and PHX countries are and will remain our allies. Historically, we have a very old good relationship with phoenix countries. I want to join Pheonix, I will ask my people before doing it but I think this is our destiny. I think we should merge the 2 alliances."

USA with EDEN, and France with Phoenix, and the world is a happy place again 🙂