The truth and the many lies about Otto

Day 272, 11:48 Published in South Africa Sweden by Rhood

At the end of the Swedish vs. German war when everything was practicly lost for the germans Otto Antid sent a message to the president of Germany, Popolo. Popolo was originally from the german, annexed Poland and he belonged to a group of poles that had done a political takeover in Germany.
The message asked for fundings to start a weapons company.
Otto explained his ideas to the corrupt president of Germany. The idea was to sell cheap weapons to Germany to help them in their war against Sweden.
I can't speak for Otto so I don't know but I don't think Otto Antid's idea ever was for Germany to take over Sweden, I belive his idea was just to stop the paramount Sweden from deleting another country out of Erepublik.
Many say Otto Antid is a traitor, I say he's not. He is a socialist that didn't want sweden to got war against Germany in the first place, and when it happened he still tried to stop Sweden from erasing Germany from the map.
I bet you want to know who the real traitor is.
Since the people in SA fear us, the African Socialist Party for trying to takeover SA politicaly I would say that Popolo is the traitor. He did do a political takeover in Germany and he didn't defend the Germany or the Germany annexed Poland's interests. He turned Otto in to the Swedish governement and that was the greatest and last treason in Germany's history.
That is the truth, and I just want to repeat that the African Socialist Party are not here as Swedes, we are here as socialistic thinkers on behalf of the socialistic ideology. I can also tell you that many Swedes thought Otto had done nothing wrong but they still didn't have any choice but to quick him out because that i what politics is all about. Truth and lies.