The true plan behind the DoW of the eUNL (By Boklevski)

Day 1,008, 12:39 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Theneka

Boklevski explains:

It's all a conspiracy. Garmr has slowly and discretely been pushed to do this by subtile eBE trolls.

eBelgium obviously cannot attack us, as they lack the money and our army is too strong.

That's why they pushed Garmr to do this. As soon as we have attacked and conquered Flanders, Theneka will request citizenship with the reason "I live in Flanders RL, and I wish to continue to live there". The congress members who did not want war will have pity with him and accept him.

In just a few days, he'll then join the Dutch eCommunist party and, with support of the members of his own Belgium eCommunist Party (see, he has planned it very carefully!), run for PP on the 15th. On the 25th, CPNL will gain lot of Congress seats, obviously all in hands of followers of Theneka. This ensures that an impeachment cannot pass anymore. After that, he'll candidate himself as CP and take over eNL and reform it into a Spam Paradise; making it the country with the most spam. (Something like USA is IRL).

Admins can't handle the amount of spam (they can't even handle a decent ticket resolution, after all), and - as we're PHX - they'll decided just to temp. ban us all for creating spam to counter the problem.

As CP, only Theneka can propose MPP's, so he'll avoid any renewals. With all good eNL players banned and without any MPPs, eBelgium will conquer the Dutch regions and create a petition to remove eNL from the game (because there are no Dutch players anyway - as we're all temp. banned). Admins gladly accept, as they are still desperate after our Spam Paradise status.

All original regions will then be reassigned as eBelgium original region, making any RW impossible if our temp. ban expires.

At the time we can log-in again, we'll have no other choice anymore than to live in eGreat-Belgium.

... and you're all too ignorant to see it.

[DISCLAIMER: Not every assumption in this theory can be proven... yet... 😒 ]

Aka, Boklevski is Epic.