The true face of Chile / La verdadera cara de Chile

Day 1,516, 08:28 Published in Argentina Argentina by Ash J. Williams

Como ellos lo borraron... se los dejo acá de recuerdo:

For those of you who can´t understand spanish here´s a translation:

Chile´s Army

Chile´s Army and the Chilean President Daanitha, calls upon you to attack for real and directly the region of Otago, New Zealand.

Argentina is in the process of declaring New Zealand as Natural Enemy, putting at risk NZ´s soverignty, our War Game and our frontiers.

It´s because of this that we have to attack Auckland as soon as possible, but for that we need to finish the battle for Otago in favor of Chile. A couple of hours after that we will open the battle in Auckland, were there too you must fight.

Enter here for weapons distribution.

This article was later deleted by them because apparently they still want to keep it a secret from TERRA what we in Argentina have known for a while now... their treacherous faces.


Realmente no nos importa si tenemos que darle algunas lecciones también a Chile para seguir librando la batalla contra ONE en el mundo... pero es penoso ver como Chile, que supuestamente pertenece a la alianza TERRA, no solo pacta guerras de entrenamiento con el enemigo, sino que bloquea un ataque legítimo de un país pro-TERRA contra un país pro-ONE para DEFENDER "la soberanía" de un miembro de la alianza contraria TOveado por Serbios.


I don´t think most of us eArgentineans care that much if we also need to teach Chile a lesson in order to keep the global battle against ONE going... but it´s sad to see how Chile, allegedly a member of the TERRA alliance, not only arranging training wars with the enemy, but also blocking a legitimate attack of a pro-TERRA country against a pro-ONE in order to "DEFEND the sovereignty" of country of the ENEMY ALLIANCE that´s also TO-ed by Serbs.