The True Blue Party ~ Stepping up

Day 640, 22:02 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Over the past months TBP has gone through a radical change, from Corny-ratbag revamping the old AAA and transforming it to the TBP and in turn creating a party that grew to incredible numbers in a very short amount of time. And while from the outside it may appear that we have lost a few members, We have been cultivating our strong and motivated members so that when they are ready, they can grasp the political arena by the proverbial scruff off the neck and shake it about to their content.

It is because of this new found energy that we at TBP are looking for hardworking, quality players who are on the rise and looking for the party that can take them to where they want. We have put forward our representatives for the next congress elections and are proud to say that all these fine candidates are of TBP. We will be releasing a following article in the near future giving a detailed synopsis about these fine candidates.

But the big news coming from the TBP in the recent times, is that Stewstoyc (Scotywest) is running for Prime Minister of the great nation of eAustralia. This is our first presidential candidate in recent times and spells an exciting and bright future for TBP when we finally start to step out of our shell and excell on an international stage.

All the members of TBP are extremely proud to have Scoty as our candidate and wish him the best of luck in the build up, and are extremely confident that we will have our first CP that has resided in TBP.

TBP - Paving the future

Written by Santic