The True Blue Candidates for August 2009 ~ Urgent update

Day 643, 00:33 Published in Australia Australia by corny-ratbag

Thank you everyone for your votes. We have a number of candidates now over the line. The following candidates are close to qualifying but still need your vote:

New South Wales


South Australia
Ryan Savastano

Mark Sanchez

Northern Territory
TJ Winner

All candidates are qualified

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G'day Australia,

Over the last few months you may have seen a decline in TBP's numbers and we have been slandered by many for this, including other parties. However we have been working on the quality of the party and the knowledge and understanding of its members rather than simply gaining members. From this, today I put forward a team of candidates for the upcoming elections that not only myself but the party can stand behind and say are going to lead our country to its highest point. So without any further ado, here are TBP's congress candidates for August 2009:

New South Wales
What can be said .... this man is brilliant in every way, Creator of True Blue Creations and GM Records, as well as the programmer of the software that supports ausEaid, True Blue International founder and manager, known as one of the greatest Minister's of Industry, True Blue Party Creator & President, and a very loved eAustralian. He has been in congress since eAustralia was regained (8 terms with a total of 10 terms), was Mayor of Belfast(beta), served as the Minister of Industry for 5 terms and Deputy Prime Minster for 2 terms. With over a year worth of experience what more can be said!!!

Joseph F is committed to expanding and contributing to eSocial environments and ensuring things dont stay static but all members within a eSocial community can contribute, have fun and can see real development and feedback from their involvement.

Manic Frenzy
Manic Frenzy was born in the new world almost four months ago and first became a senator for NSW in the July senate elections. Always hungry to learn more, Manic spent a great deal of time getting aquainted with all the senate functions of the official eAustralian website and catching up on previous senate decisions that were archived. With the hope of continuing the comprehension of all national and international variables that affect his beloved ecountry, he has chosen to run as a candidate for the August congress elections. Manic does demand one thing from the voters and that is not to vote for Olga Citizen since that senator appears to have gone insane.

Meadow is currently Minister of Defence, and previous Dropbear squad commander of Charlie and Delta. He has been an active, enthusiastic citizen who commited much time to erepublik. He has recently returned after a lack of internet access and wishes to build on his 2 term experience as congressman.

Northern Territory
TJ Winner
After having served two terms in congress TJ Winner feels that he has gained enough experience and knowledge to really contribute and serve TBP and eAustrarlia well. His focus has been and remains obtaining the rest of Australia back as well as increasing our population which in turn will assist in increasing our economy and make Aus less of a target as an increased population means an increased army. He isalso very keen to see Australia form a strong alliance with one medium sized country and a handful of smaller ones to ensure we have support in the case of an invasion.

Lord Rhindon
Lord Rhindon, a new and enthusiastic member of the True Blue Party, recently arrived from eIreland, where he accumulated vast political experience as a senior member of their administration. From the Cabinet (Minister of Community/Minister of Information/Foreign Affairs Undersecretary) to the a bid on the candidacy of Vice Country-President (supported by one of the nation's most successful parties), to two respected publications bearing over 150 total subscribers, and the successful operation of the former Dublin weapons company of the eUK ex-President Kumnaa, he's brought all this over to us and has chosen Queensland, Australia as his new home.
A real life citizen of Townsville, North QLD, LR now stands for Congress with us!

Santic is pretty much the bee's knee's of awesomeness. other then being a 3rd term MoI as well as a serving the senate for 3 terms he is also sporting an incredible skill of sheer uncomputable awesome. some say that he is so awesome that words cannot really describe properly his awesome because it would hurt their fingers searching for adjectives to describe the sheer awesimity of the man know as santic.

This month being his first try at politics, yuurmumma is still experienced. Born on Day 361 yuurmumma has been traveling the world, spanning all continents of the globe. Only to cancel his trip to fly back to his home country of eAustralia to pursue a political career. 'Do it for you, do it for yuurmumma'

CrowdedHouse ~ Presentation
No doubt CrowdedHouse has made one of the most stunning debuts to the eRepublik game. Within a month he has already reached level 13, is well on the way to a hard worker award and has gained the rank of corporal in War Games.
Citizens of eAustralia are raving about the CrowdedHouse/TBP production of Radio eAustralia News. This daily podcast written, researched and presented by CrowdedHouse has had sky-rocketing numbers in subscriptions and gained CrowdedHouse access to many of the eWorld leaders. CrowdedHouse is a candidate for the eSenate Backbench representing the state of eVictoria.

TheBlackAdder ~ Presentation
One of eAustralia's most experienced senators TheBlackAdder has shown consistantly high activity and dedicaton. As one of the most proactive senators he has produced many successful bills. Deputy treasurer and founder of the Commonwealth Bank, TheBlackAdder has proved successful at managing finances. If you want a positive attidude, knowledge, experience and ideas vote TheBlackAdder.

Mark Sanchez ~ Presentation
Mark was born in eAus on day 500 almost 5 months ago. He has been with True Blue all his eLife and is a 2 term Senator, 1 time company owner, ACUK member and proud operator of Sanchez Says (his newspaper). He has also been a candidate for Dep. Speaker and IG.

Good old player but have been lay down for quite sometime. Now he want to arise and try to run his 2nd time congress.
Been active in military duty in various group include redbacks, ADF, dropbears, ACAR and currently in Charlie. Irsh also involve in underground RW figther with most of the mates who are big and powerful now. Actively involve in companies by investing it when people need extra juice to start and a helpful fellow.
Dedicated to be more active and learn more things by involve more in politics and economy. support True Blue all the way from the begining even before it's created. Will concerntrate on Wargames and take over of WA at first. willing to serve more terms to complete the whole goal.

With this information in mind, when you go to the ballot box this election it is clear who you should vote for. Ladies and Gentleman, TBP has the determination to take this country to new heights and push it forward. So on the 25th, you should be voting for one of the above candidates because they have what it takes to move Australia forward to extreme awesomeness!!!

TBP President