The Triumvirate: The Stupidest Idea in eCanada's History

Day 335, 15:43 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

The triumvirate was the stupidest idea in Roman history and now this failed concept has been transferred into the virtual world. Augustus Baldwin, the ringleader of this political circus, has officially become eCanada's first non-democratic president and he does not even bother to hide it and uses this rather dictatorship-remniscent phrase.
Now, the only way that a triumvirate could work is if the political interparty relations were on an exceptional level. This is blatantly not the case in eCanada. There has been constant political infighting mostly provoked by Mr. Baldwin himself, but there are certainly others to blame for the unstable political environment *cough*Kommie*cough*.... *cough*Shinra*cough*. So my interpratation is either a) Augustus is attempting a political takeover to gain a majority government for Norsefire (or whatever the hell you call it now) or b) Augustus is lying to the public making it seem like all three parties are the best of friends.
My Friends, I do not mean to say that the political infighting is serious but the fact remains that the interparty relations are too shaky for a triumvirate to work. The parties all have different views on different issues and that is fine, that is the way it should be. But the bitter atacks from either party need to stop, seriously. Then, maybe, just maybe a shared seat of power could work. It seems rather hypocritical of Mr. Baldwin to stir up political competition and then a month later create a triumvirate.
What we need is stable leadership to guide the citizens of eCanada through the tough times of V1. We are not getting this leadership from the triumvirate, any of its individual members and certainly not from Mr. Baldwin. I'm not going to blame the economic turmoil on the leaders but rather on the flawed V1 system. However, as proper leaders, the triumvirate should at least appear to be making an attempt to fix things.
Last of all: I realise the primary reason for creating the triumvirate was to unify eCanada's three major parties in the joint fight against the goons. It was a rushed decision, but it would have somehow worked. The danger has subsided now and even if it has not: can't the parties simply agree to vote for one pressidential candidate: this is something that could have been solved away from public eyes instead of this helter skelter.
In short, the triumvirate was a particularily terrible idea from every stand point and I will certainly not be supporting it in the next election and least of all Mr. Baldwin.