The treasury *UPDATES*

Day 1,091, 18:34 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Within (mostly) the last 24 hours the entire eIsraeli Treasury has been stolen by the MoF. The entire treasury was moved to a friendless org called "The EU" the other half went on the money market to destroy the eIsraeli economy.

1 GOLD = 26.22 NIS.

Economic Warfare. The shekel most likely wont recover from this and will soon be worthless.

I take full responsibility 110%. I appointed him MoF and he had done his job up till today. Sending gold where it needed to be for adds and the eIDF and to help pay for MPPs no problem. After looking at the donation list it appears he was sending small donations of NIS and gold to himself while purchasing items directly from the IFD then donating to his account.

It is my fault I did not pick up on this sooner. Again My fault but I will fix this.

Make of this what you will but now is not the time to fight. I need everyone to submit tickets and reporting.

I will work to get us our treasury back 110%

Worse news is he changed the password that had been passed down from moF to MoF so now way to get access.

Whats worse is the Admins will be sending another 50 gold to the IFD to repay us for the hospitals we lost. This was thanks to Aeroners Tickets which where finally answered by the admins.

I will work to get control of that org back to save us our 50 gold from theft.

This is my fault no one elses. I will get this money back. I will make sure they pay for what they did.


- I checked all government orgs he had access to one eIDF org and sent all 6k there to "The EU"


- Admins contacted regarding 70md the org and IFD. We are trying to get password reset for IFD. All government org passwords have been changed.