The Top Ten Elite

Day 1,155, 16:30 Published in USA Canada by Thedillpickl

Papers I Like:
The Republican Rant
Cooking with Flare
The Pundit

Hi kids !

Here's My Big Chance!

I've always had a sense of over-importance. Now's your chance to prove I'm right.

Read Candor's article and vote for me! I never get any breaks. Having a sour taste about me and a vinegary flavor, people don't care too much for Thedillpickl. This makes me sad. I was always the last one chosen when picking sides. Therefore, to be part of a crowd, any crowd is a boost to my ego.

Also, I hear the Elite get all the chicks!

Well, may be not.

So do us both a favor and go vote for me here so that I'll shut up about this already.

I've said my piece. So what do you think?

Freebie !

Let's go for a boat ride! Yippee!!!