The TAO of RAWR - Part I

Day 957, 20:51 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa
Please read and vote for MOAR RAWR!

Definitions create boundaries and limits, therefore RAWR cannot be defined by words. Given this, we can only describe what can be seen. This is the first in a 3 part, 69 verse series answering the question "What is RAWR?"

Part I.

1. RAWR existed before Alpha.
2. RAWR is the sound of one hand fapping.
3. RAWR is berserking against an impossible wall in the last minute of battle.

Adverse odds only incite more RAWR.

4. RAWR rises up when things get slow, is omipresent throughout any real win, and surges when near a possible loss.
5. RAWR is the password GF shared.
6. RAWR is eUSA = Florida.
7. RAWR is the driving force of any erep power; personage, political, military, nation or alliance.
8. RAWR is not available in the eUK.
9. RAWR is what you feel when you fall in love.

RAWR is what you felt when you caught your girlfriend in bed giving her trainer a rusty trumbone.

Therefore, since it exists in both, there is no line between love and hate in RAWR.

Christian Bale has plenty of rawr...

10. RAWR is commonly forgotten by the old, to be reborn by the new.

Therefore, RAWR tends to be more characteristic of youth, in this way it is cyclical.
11. RAWR does not fail.
12. RAWR is what eIndonesia lost and is trying to find in eAustralia.
13. RAWR is the greatest gift.
14. RAWR cannot be taken away, only given up or thought lost like key's hidden in your hand or sunglass's perched on top your head. Quit searching, it's right there, you're just distracted.
15. RAWR is often visible between 23:30-00:00.
16. RAWR is Eugene Harlot's bitch.
17. RAWR is commonly mislabeled as naivety.

RAWR does and does not live in a box...

18. RAWR is the name of Schrodinger's cat.
19. RAWR is what SEAL's eat, sleep and sh*t.
20. RAWR is not a zombie, RAWR thinks for itself.
21. RAWR can into anywhere.
22. All of your bases are belong to RAWR, Without RAWR resistance is futile.
23. RAWR lives for its next SS medal, thinks treasure maps are for butt-pirates and eats headless chickens for breakfast, lunch and dinner with a cold glass of FU!

RAWR can be found in both big and small packages. be continued.

Written by Julian "Banzai" Mizu

Inspired by philosophical discussion with Bob Dupuis and the desire to spread RAWR.