The Swedish situation (part 2)

Day 1,392, 11:21 Published in Norway USA by Christopher Moe

The situation with Sweden part 2

Well if you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 2 hours, you should know about this :
Vad vill vi ha av Norge?

Yes they are indeed discussing if we should have the possibility to have a congress or not. To be honest, I did see this coming and I'm not surprised at all, but you know what.... I’m not really afraid 😁
You must remember that this is only a discussion at the moment, and everything can change fast. Yes it would suck if they screwed up our chances to have a fair election, someone could even say that it would be pointless to do so, but we need to remember that the future of Norway is a project, and projects take time...

Potato o’clock

We must remember the state Norway was in, before we can say that this will ruin everything for us. Just a week before i decided to become your king we could clearly see that Norway was in a boring crappy state. could go days without receiving a new post, rarely did we see a funny or informing article and the government was dead at best. Now we have a active government, new post often on our forum and funny/informative articles almost daily. You know what.... Your king says that this is a awesome progress, and we can get even better if we just follow this course 😁

Yes it sucks that Sweden actually discuss this, but I guess that they need something to talk about to. But if they really want to get a better friendship with Norway, they must realise that proposing stuff like this is really silly. Well I guess that we all can be silly gooses at times, so i guess that we can forgive them for that, but if they want closer relations with Norway then they should let us keep our progress going on and let us have a congress election. I actually think it’s really silly of them,at the same time say that we are weak and have bad allies, and then say that they are afraid that we will get more allies and grow strong so that we can kick their ass. But hey.... Maybe i just read it wrong.

Well at least we can we have some interesting days ahead of us, and you know what... That sounds awesome to me. We can’t say for sure what will happen in the future, but you can be damn sure that we in our beloved government will do everything we can to make sure that you will have some awesome times in the future.
Our progress might be going on turtle speed, but baby, we are getting there !!! 😁

Huzzah for Norway and Huzzah for our future 😁

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