The Swedish Problem

Day 1,296, 18:04 Published in Canada Canada by Killswitch

Hello eCanada,

It is with great urgency I inform you all of a problem facing our country, a problem that is the greatest threat that eCanada has seen in its whole eHistory. A problem that your children and grandchildren will ask about and you'll shy away from. This problem...

Is the Swedish problem.

Right now, two glorious regions of our beautiful country are occupied by these meatball loving freaks. They just barged on in barbarically and thought they could rule over us, well I say no, Canada. This isn't some weird sexual fetish, we don't want a Swedish overlord.

What should we do to stop them? Anything and everything! Currently they are trying to invade Nunavut, and are winning 7-2. We need to take action in stopping this. I encourage every Canadian to join up with a millitary organization like HOPE, TCO, or the CAF. Lavis Knight is also offering supplies to all Canadians and allies of eCanada! I hope everyone takes up on this offer to protect this splendid country in which we call home.

Also, if you're like me and you enjoy messing with the population of Sweden, comment on their newspapers about how much their country sucks and how complicated it is to put together IKEA furniture. Their president is Lonestar, and I'm sure he'd love to hear about how bad Sweden is, so do be sure to send him a greeting or two... Or 16.

And so ends my article. If you would like further information on HOPE please check out our MU page and subscribe to our official supplies newspaper:

Journeys of a Wanderer by Lavis Knight
Supply to all citizens and allies

