THE SUN: Royalist flip flop

Day 1,796, 21:18 Published in United Kingdom Poland by Rory Winterbourne

King stuff
Massive news, Mr Woldy has stepped down as King, naming Don Dapper as his replacement. Consternation abound, particularly in the royal circle. By decree of the royal something we have to call Don, ‘King’ or ‘His Highness’. I prefer to call him simply ‘Don King’. It’s just easier...

Try getting a crown on that barnet...

Rich people
Sometimes having rich people in the UK is good, but if those same people are susceptible to idiocy it can be a massive anti-boon to the country, I blame inbreeding personally. But we are stuck with it. Hi Don King and Alfagrem, how are you o/ I hear Goku isn't your love child.

Old Skool forums?
Next we must wonder about the fiasco that is the forum and New Era’s reaction to it. Obviously they have a reaction, because it’s there only policy to attack the old skool stuff, while offering us nothing in return (says an angry man in a shack). The SUN says he's bonkers and offers full support.

Some reaction from the nation's best loved newspaper, (our comment section is simply the best to gauge the temperature of the nation, we take your comments as absolute fact! guaranteed)

Before anyone says anything else, the SUN DON’T vote buy and we DON’T garner popular opinion, we just are the best.

Readers stuff

“You can't pick and choose which bits of roleplay other people subscribe to, while roleplaying yourself. Demanding that essentially meaningless titles are stripped from certain people while publishing your demands in the King of Asia's paper as the *insert made up title* of New Era is frankly ludicrous.”

Don replied, “A name and a Title given is different, the point is - TUP were using this title to recruit new member's like a selling point to join them Elitism”

People did reply ‘What about your made up titles,’ but the SUN say’s - What about the children! And declares Don is absolutely right, I mean really, how can someone that has brought so much gold be wrong?

The SUN, be the best you can be

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News in Briefs
Keely is concerned with all these changes to the royal family, she sai😛 "Why do we need constant changes to our royals? I want consistency, I'd hate to live in a country like Italy that has had 61 governments in 65 years - even if I do love Italian food."