The story of Millions

Day 1,357, 14:42 Published in India India by Graf Sprat

A very dear Pakistani friend of mine said a few days back that eIndians should not think that they can match up to Pakistan since he has never seen any Indian hit over a million in a battle. So I took this input and discussed it with our key players and decided on an action plan. And we started off trying to hit the million figure by individual eIndian fighter in a single campaign.

He was right. We were not used to doing that. We tried and tried, in battle after battle but couldnt. We were just too used to having a lot of fighters do 300-400 K damage and be done with it. We had many UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPTS 😉 of getting a single eIndian to hit a million and I am listing all those attempts below. Well those attempts had some other purely UNINTENTIONAL SIDE EFFECTS which I am sure are pretty obvious to all 😉

But as they say .. If you try something hard enough, you can surely achieve it.. And thats what happened today in Kerala..

Though I lost my CH medal, we won the fight and the 3 of us clocked our 1st Million in a single campaign. All thanks to the advice of my dear Pakistani friend..