The Story of little old Indonesia

Day 1,191, 06:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

When the current alliances became into being, a few major nations were left out in the cold due to the splitting of their closest allies. Sometimes countries needed to make the decision whether to join former enemies along with their closest allies, or betray their closest allies. One nation that has been given the hardest choice is South Africa’s oldest enemy, one of the game’s earliest superpowers. I am, of course talking about Indonesia.

Indonesia – The sides and the history

BIA, or Brother in Arms (Brazil, Indonesia, Argentina) is an informal brotherhood between the three former Phoenix nations, the three largest Southern Hemisphere nations. Brazil and Argentina are Indonesia’s closest allies in recent times. They are not just allies, they are brothers or so they like to say. So you would assume that when Brazil and Argentina joined PANAM, Indonesia would follow their brothers and continue their rock solid alliance. But it was not as simple as that; as we know Indonesia have not joined PANAM and their future is still debated.

We know need to go back in our time machine to World War three, and the North American Invasions. Indonesia spearheaded what could be considered the most remarkable invasion this game has ever seen. Peace conducted a hugely successful invasion of North American, putting the USA on the brink of being wiped off the map for their first time. It was Indonesia that spearheaded the invasion and it is the battles between the USA and Indonesia that everyone remembers. Then it was the United States turn to hit back, with the Asian invasion of World War IV. The United States were able to push Indonesia out of China and then, were able to conquer the legendary Iron Region of Karnataka. Thus both sides had staged direct wars against each other and a long term enmity set in. It would take until late last year for this classic rivalry to reunite when the USA popped Indonesia’s cherry. They became the first nation to conquer an Indonesian original territory. This further cemented the enmity between the two superpowers.

There is a second nation who Indonesia hates above all. That is possibly the game’s oldest power, Romania. We need to go back in time, to long before many of us played to see the roots of this rivalry. Once again the region of Karnataka comes into the equation. In the early days of 2009, Romania took control of many Russian regions as they looked to make their way into Asia, their final target being the massive Indonesia. They were able to pile through Russia and with a few swaps; they had opened up a border with Indonesia. They fought Indonesia all the way to the Iron fortress but some clever tactics saw the war closed and Karnataka stayed in Indonesian hands. Since then, Romania and Indonesia have been the best of enemies, often tanking against each other.

We now return to our time. PANAM is headed by a nation Indonesia despises and with the new borders, now has a border with. The USA and Indonesia have been enemies for so long, it is hard to see them allying even if that is what logical thought implies. And this is reaffirmed by the Indonesian media. Everyday there are showings of their lust to conquer Hawaii and invade the United States. Many Indonesians are dying to reignite the spark of the North American invasion and attack Hawaii. It is not a good premise to start an alliance with. Brazil also signed an MPP with Romania, a country fast becoming one of PANAM’s biggest allies. Befriending Romania would be a very hard pill for Indonesia to swallow.

Indonesia is not short of allies in NWO. Both Hungary and especially Serbia have been long time allies of Indonesia, fighting side by side in Central Hungary, WSR, Vojvodina and many other major battles. Indonesia has also never had direct conflict with the Polish of the Spanish so it seems it also looks to be a viable option. But Indonesian and Serbian relationships were harmed when Indonesia refused to allow Serbian though their territories in order to attack Australia. Serbia may have forgiven Indonesia but their relationship is no where near as strong as it was previously.

So which side will they choose?

That is a question no one can answer with any surety. Their recent actions have pushed many to think that they will side with PANAM. Their recent invasion of Colombia in order to block the Polish advance into South America has singled intent to protect its closest allies. They have certainly now done harm to NWO’s chances of launching a multi flank attack on Brazil. This would make you think that they would choose to join their old allies in BIA, in PANAM. Their president did say in his article of the attack on Colombia that it is only an attack for the protection of their fellow BIA members and not an attack for PANAM or against NWO. But whether that was completely truthful is another question.

While it looks as if PANAM would be the best bet, I cannot shake off the mutterings of the Indonesian media. Many Indonesians are craving the days of World War 3 and to get back at the Unites States for popping its cherry. And with Ostin’s return, it seems all the more likely they will look to the USA for an invasion. Could Indonesia become the first truly neutral nation, that is not entirely impossible but history shows that neutrality is often little more than a façade; most nations will side with an alliance even if it is not open.

Sadly, I do not possess the ability to tell the future. All I know is that Indonesia shall have an interesting time in the future as they try to balance close allies and great enemies. Until we see an official announcement, we will never know for sure. Time will only tell.