The Story of a Smiley

Day 1,680, 21:09 Published in USA USA by Evry

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to tell you a story. It’s a story that has stretched more than 3 years, and as of yet has no ending. The story has its triumphs as well as its tribulations. The story may make you scratch your head at times, as well as read on in cliff-hanging suspense, occasionally already knowing what happens next despite the main character not having a clue where their future will lead them. All I ask is that you wait until you read the whole story before passing judgement. And on that note, settle into your favorite armchair next to your recliner with a glass of milk and some cookies and let me tell you a story.

The birth of a happy character

It was a cold day in February. Feb 18th, 2009 to be exact. I was sitting in my dorm room, bored out of my mind (screw you too, snow) and then *click* *click* *click* “eRepublik, what’s that? Looks interesting.” *click* *click* *click* “What the fudge is this thing?”. Little did I know, I would soon be spending between 8 and 10 hours a day talking to people I’ve never met about other regions and currencies I’ve never previously heard of. I would soon be discussing economic policies gleaned from wikipedia pages and talking to people from countries all over the world about geopolitical situations in countries I wouldn’t be able to identify on a map. Regardless, our character, Evry, was born.

And then it happened. “Earn 2 EXP for picking a profile picture!”. *click* *google smiley face* *click* *click*. Our main character, Evry had a face and more importantly, an identity.

The choice of a lifetime

Shortly after birth, Evry was exposed to a wide variety of options. What to do, who to talk to, what to aspire to become, and who to associate with. Soon after being incarnated, our young explorer identified politics as a viable goal for the future. After comparing various past congressional performances, and the opportunities offered from the different parties, Evry joined the Conservative Party (aka, the CvP). DesertFalcon was still the PP for just about his 7th month in a row. Not long after joining, the person in charge of congressional elections for the CvP, Cromstar, contacted Evry and offered a spot on the ballot. This was before the days of ATO and blocking where every ballot spot was occupied in every state every month. Being offered to be an official candidate by the (then) 3rd biggest party in the country was big, especially for little Evry who was still trying to figure out how to work, fight, and train.

While Evry didn’t make it to Washington that month, the choice to join the CvP is a decision that will both haunt and help our young hero for literally years to come.

Evry goes to Washington
Eventually, our character did in fact win a pair of congressional elections. Evry had the distinct honor to be elected both times from the great state of Missouri. In those terms in congress our young politician made great friends with their fellow congressmen. Evry served on the Armed Forces Committee and spent a fair amount of time learning how things worked in this country’s government and helping further the goals of the nation. Learning how the government works comes in handy later on in our young hero’s life.

Learning how to fire a rifle

Shortly after joining the CvP, one of Evry’s fellow party members, Bastion, advertised a position in the newly developing Mobile Infantry. At the time it was the 3rd Division of the (then) Training Corps portion of the JCS-led military. Back then, the JCS-led military was the nation’s military. It contained nearly every active person in the country and represented a fairly large amount of our nation’s budget. The Mobile Infantry (or MI) provided a modest amount of supplies with a hefty amount of training and experience. Over the next 6-8 months, our young friend rose through the ranks eventually reaching Senior Officer status becoming a XO of a Company containing between 150 and 200 soldiers. Serving as a CXO opened many opportunities for Evry and taught a lot about management and the way the military works.

Fighting skill refinement

After serving in the MI in various positions for about 9 months, eUSMC CO at the time, sukoidha , contacted our protagonist and offered admission into the United States Marine Corps. At the time, the USMC was the hardest hitting military force in the country, and probably in the Top 10 in the World. The USMC presented our little fighter with endless opportunities. Evry eventually rose the ranks to Brigadier General of the branch. This position was third in command of the hardest hitting branch in the country, and provided experience for what was yet to come.

The first peek at the executive branch.

Back when BradleyReala became POTUS, he picked a new Secretary of Defense, Angelini. She was given the ability to choose her own deputy and she settled on our young gun toting, serb killing, Evry to aid her in her endeavors. While this position doesn’t come with a fancy title, or a substantial amount of responsibility, it did provide our protagonist with access to the executive branch’s communication channels. This enabled Evry to learn how the executive branch and get priceless experience in understanding how it all works. This knowledge would soon be extremely valuable to our young adventurer.

Helping others take a seat in the big chair

While in the USMC, a few of Evry’s friends made runs for POTUS. Specifically, Jewitt, PiginZen, and Cromstar among others. Our aspiring politician aided these presidential candidates in their runs for POTUS even though not all of them made it. By helping these POTUS campaigns, Evry learned a lot about how elections work and the art of spinning words and events to suit a specific purpose. At this point in the story, our dear hero has developed aspirations to be both a politician, a military hero, as well as to explore a different area of the game, economics.

Learning the economy

In Decemeber of 2011, Josh Frost became president. Jewitt became Secretary of the Treasury and he restarted the Economic Council. One of the members of the newly formed Econ Council (EC) was our dear hero, Evry. After spending a few weeks learning how to translate complex economical concepts into words and ideas that normal citizens can understand, Evry ascended to the Chairmanship of the EC. This is a position that our main character has held on and off since then. Evry later achieved a personal goal of becoming a well respected econ person by holding the position of Secretary of the Treasury much like many role models before such as 1eye and Jewitt and batterytime. Evry served the country in numerous economical posts including later becoming a Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) placing putting our main character in direct control (shared with 2 other people) of the country’s coffers totalling over 15 Million Dollars as well as a heck of a lot of gold. Becoming a CBO was a huge achievement for Evry due to it being a lifetime appointment (until removed) and consisting of a huge amount of responsibility.

The end of an era, and the start of a new one

A month or two after becoming third in command of the USMC and while serving as Secretary of the Treasury under Glove and then Emerick, Evry’s world began coming crashing down. The leader of the JCS ran military, BradleyReala, told congress to go away, returned a week’s worth of budget money, and split from the government. This left our adventurer at a crossroads. He could stick with his friends and military from the last year and a half. Or he can continue to pursue a political, and executive career and leave the military for good. Evry and his fellow Senior Officers from the USMC banded together and confronted the leaders of the military listing our greivances and attempting to find solutions. However, no solutions or compromises were to be found. Soon after, Evry and fellow burned officers fleed the JCS-led military and joined this new military being created called the United States Armed Forces (USAF). Evry was included in the strategy planning sessions called by Emerick to attempt to create the USAF and make it into a new lean, mean, fighting machine.

Advancing in the new military

Soon after joining the USAF, Evry was appointed to the rank of Division XO. This put our gun-toting economist in the unique position of assistant to the person responsible for getting nearly 150-200 soldiers acquainted to the new military branch and getting the USAF into fighting form. Shortly after this promotion, one of his superiors retired resulting in Evry rising to the top of the growing division now containing over 250 soldiers. Our adventurer stayed in this position for a handful of months before eventually rising to the branch XO position, as position higher than any held in the past. However, after 2 or 3 months in this position, Evry became overwhelmed by other tasks in eRep and soon soon after, resigned making the move into the Special Forces where Evry remains.

Romping all over the Whitehouse

While serving in the USAF, our aspiring politician was also found doing various other tasks around the country. Eventually, Evry was Cerb’s Chief of Staff putting him in charge of keeping all of Cerb’s secretaries on task and getting everything done efficiently. In addition, our adventurer was also Secretary of Defense for Oblige. This position consisted of ensuring the USAF continued to kick ONE’s butt all over the World as well as handling the funding and supply aspect of a growing military containing hundreds and hundreds of soldiers. Later, Evry became Oblige’s Secretary of State representing the eUS in foreign affairs matters both to our allies as well as our enemies. Evry also served as an advisor to numerous Presidents and has held a spot on the National Security Council roughly since its inception over a year ago.

The End???

In recent months our character has created and fostered friendships and advised various presidents and other political as well as military figures on a wide multitude of issues. Evry has ran for congress numerous times with no luck. Our protagonist has floated from job to job, retaining the Chairmanship of the Econ Council, and as of this month, becoming the person in charge of all the Ambassadors in the State Department. However, with few other jobs to keep our gun-toting economy-minded politician occupied, we must ask ourselves, what’s next for our adventurer. Will Evry kick the bucket putting the last 3+ years of life to rest 6 feet under? Or will Evry soon find a new land to terrorize with economic logic and military experience? Or perhaps our dear friend will soon fulfill a life-long dream of becoming President and ruler of this country seemingly hell-bent on destroying itself and its foreign relationships.

Stay tuned for more on this developing story and find out how it all ends.