The State Treasury

Day 314, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Steelflex

I am going to take a moment to be totally honest here -

I have converted the state treasury to gold and donated it to the State Lottery SO until we can get the Finance Dept. SO up and running.

We have done this because -

1. V1 is coming somewhere between Oct. 1 and Oct. 15th. Not nearly enough time even with federal assistance to fund a hospital. We will have to lobby the feds as citizens to build it for us.
2. Once V1 comes, mayors and state systems will be gone, the treasury will just go into the federal coffers.
3. We are forbidden by contract from using the funds for our personal use.
4. We will use this funding to fund the State Health Service, National Guard and Immigration Departments. If the people wish to use it for other purposes, please feel free to let us know, we can have a vote.
5. In the event we receive enough funding to get a hospital before V1 the money will go back to the State.