The Spartan Loot - 100g prize

Day 5,048, 10:32 Published in Greece South Africa by OKayOK

During the Peloponnesian War, Spata raided the Athenian coast, carrying off wondrous treasures, perfect works of art, and perhaps even a philosopher or two. For thousands of years, this treasure has been lost to mankind.
Now, thanks to my GOD-LIKE sleuth work, I OkayOK of Belgium (and hopefully Greece soon) worked out that a rogue Pentēkostys, or unit of 72 Spartan men, escaped to Asia Minor and buried the loot. A Turkish Lazocrat in 2015, looking for lands to PTO, found the treasure buried deep under a Temple to Athena. He took this treasure and planned to use it to spread the vile and toxic doctrine of Lazocracy to the world. I could not stand for that, so one cold night in the streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, I found the vile creature. I followed the vile creature down an ally, and using a blunt spoon, proceeded to remove his heart while it was still beating. It was a joy watching the life leave his eyes as he exclaimed : “Lazocracy will revenge me”.

Now that I have liberated the gold from the Lazos, what am I to do with it. I decided that in the spirit of Brotherhood, a competition that will run monthly for a grand prize of 100 Gold was in order. A competition that seeks to highlight and pick the minds of players, giving realisation to their voice as players, a voice that is powerful indeed when united.

What do you want from this game!
This month, we focus on what we want from this game. In the comments section, tell us what you want from the game developers. What features would you like to see, and what features would you like returned. The most original and creative reply will be chosen by myself, and my ingame friend hallo10. The winner will get the 100g immediately deposited into your player account.

-| Competition is open to every player in the new world (except for Lazocrats (don’t like it, I don’t care))
-| For a player to qualify, they must sum up the answer in 300 to 400 words
-| For a player to qualify, they must share the article on their friend feed -| (post link to screenshot in reply to your answer)
-| For a player to qualify, they must endorse this article.

Thank you for your time, looking forward to an awesome turnout for this article.