The South West Needs YOU!

Day 522, 04:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

Hi, Shyguy1001 here, your Councillor for Transport in the South West.

I am writing this for anyone that wishes to move to the South West, who can apply for a free moving ticket by simply asking this org via an in game PM or by contacting shyguy1001, either in game or on the eUK forums, which can be found here:

If you have not yet joined the forums, I strongly urge you to do so, as it is the centre of all life in the eUK. Anyway, back to business.

Why should I move?

If you move to the South West, not only will you be a part of an active community, but you will also be helping your country! This is because if you live in London, then you are living in a region which only borders the eUK. If you live in the South West, then you are living in a region which borders a dangerous PEACE country, France. The higher the population of a region, the higher the wall which an enemy must bring down is at the start of the battle.So by moing to the South West you make our wall higher when an enemy attacks!

How easy is it?

Very easy. For complete instructions, see:

Also its free, completely funded by the South West regional council! So there really is nothing to lose! Unless you are moving from another country, then you dont have to give up your job, party, or any position of responsibilty such as a congress, party president, or Country president position!

Who should I contact?

Once again, either contact shyguy1001 or the South west regional council, simply saying,"I would like to move to the South West from ......." Its that simple!

Councillor For Transport
South West

P.S sorry about the non clickable links - bug. Just copy and paste them into your browser