The South African Gold Party

Day 788, 04:28 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

Greetings eSA and thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about the South African Gold Party.

“eSouth Africa, unified as a single state occupying all of our historical provinces. A small but vibrant population, actively involved in all aspects of eSA life, from Politics to the Economy and from National Defence to Citizen Education. Peaceful relations with both of our historic neighbours, Brazil and Australia, as well as an active International engagement with all nations beyond our borders.”
-SAGP Vision for eSA

Who are we?

The South African Gold Party or SAGP for short is the largest Political Party in eSA. We are a party with a rich history in eSA, a party of eSA Congressmen, eSA Congress Speakers, eSA Ministers and eSA Presidents. We are the party that is looking for new, eager and active faces to join our ranks in the present. We are the party with an ambitious vision for our country in the future.

Why should I join the SAGP?

The members of the SAGP believe in action over words. We are the only party who have create long term policies and goals and are working on serious permanent structures to make those goals a reality. Our full policy document, which is a constantly evolving work, is now around 5000 words long and encompasses:

Internal Affairs – How the eSA government should be structured to ensure it works month after month, smoothly and efficiently for the best interests of eSA.

Economic Policy – Why the eSA economy works and what we need to and are doing to ensure it continues to do so.

Foreign Policy – A practical approach to the international situation eSA finds itself in, with regards to Brazil, Indonesia and Australia, including our currently foreign controlled territories.

Military Policy – A don’t fix what isn’t broken approach to strengthen an effective but small military organisation, with practical efforts to ensure that eSA will eventually be able to be the number one partner in its own defence.

Political Policy – A written down idea of who and what we want to be as a party, allowing members to truly decide whether their home is in the open, inclusive and interactive culture of the SAGP.

Population Growth Policy – A vital and realistic policy including creating the structures we need as a nation to effect a permanent growth in population. Not just creating a baby boom, but a sustained and sustainable level of population growth in our active population numbers into the future.

To see our full policy documents, (and contribute!) please follow this link:

What types of players join the SAGP?

We are a party of two parts. The first part and most visible part is our active members who are involved in the eSA government and the Internal Gold Party structures. We have 11 current congress members, including Karl Bauer, the current speaker for congress, and Robert Reid, the previous speaker for congress, all working hard within the eSA government, providing support to the eSA community. We also have many party members assisting with internal party functions. These include arqam who leads up our recruiting team, Nick Jones who has taken personal charge of the SAGP Congressional Election Commission, Enoch Root who provides the economic foundation of both the SAGP and has been largely the father of eSA economic policy, Alby, founder of the SAGP, and many other active and eager to assist players. We rely on these active players to assist with not only running the party and being actively involved in helping run eSA, but also in providing valuable input in the creation and maintenance of SAGP policy. We aren’t a party where whoever is president decides what happens each month, but rather where everyone gets involved with actually contributing to making the Gold Party great. And there are many more positions available. With our planned expansion we are looking to fill something like 30 important roles in the upcoming month. We’d really like to encourage players who enjoy the political and social aspects of the game to join us, join our forums and get involved in what looks to be a VERY interesting next few months for the SAGP.

The second part of our party is our casual players who are equally valued. Players who want to just pop on every day and play just as much as they want, which may only be a few click a day, it may be more. They are the backbone of the eSA economy, filling important jobs, providing extra income to the nation and providing extra strength to our nation’s military in times of need. But these players want to know that when they come online, there will still be a country to live in. A country where they will get a decent wage. A country where they can purchase what they need at a fair cost in our markets. A country that has regular training wars. A country with a vibrant media culture providing both information and entertainment. A country which communicates in their language. These players are vital to the eSA, and we believe we are a home for them as well. Not only do we have a wealth of experience in our current membership base to draw on to assist new and casual players, but we also have some great players like Ari Lumumba who run companies that support their workers and encourage SAGP members to join them in a stable and long term beneficial working relationship. We encourage casual players to support the party that plans for long term eSA stability and welcome them.

What does the SAGP plan to achieve?

The SAGP has done some long and hard thinking about where eSA is today and where we want to be as a country. We’ve created the policies we believe are needed in order to reach this. Below are some of the goals we’ve set ourselves as a party and for eSA as a country. We ask our fellow citizens to think about what they’d actually like for eSA and for themselves.

Party Goals:
On the 25th of January, win a majority of seats for our congressmen in the congressional elections.
On the 5th of February, have an SAGP candidate elected president of eSA.
Grow by minimum 50% by the 15th of February.

We believe these are vital as a starting point to providing us with the platform to use our policies to reach certain national goals we have for eSouth Africa.

National Goals:
Achieve an active population of 1000 citizens by April 15th (we currently have an estimate 300 active citizens currently residing in eSA).
Ensure the return of Northern Cape, Western Cape and Gauteng, by peaceful means if at all possible, by latest May 5th (3 months after the election of a SAGP president).

We know that if eSA citizens are honest with themselves they will agree that the above two goals are what most of us want as eSouth Africans. We at the South African Gold Party believe that with a concerted effort of all eSA citizens we really can achieve these goals. We have planned for it. We have a consistent plan to make it a reality. And we have the political and moral will to make the hard decisions to make these goals happen.

What do we want from you?

We want you to join us so that we can make eSA great. Many people reading this are new players wondering which of the many parties out there would best suit you. We welcome active and casual players and believe we are the political home for you. Many people reading this are active members of the eSA community and may be members of other political parties. We hope you will take the time to seriously consider whether your current political party only talks about making things happen or actually makes plans and makes things happen. We believe if you would like to be in a party that does make plans and then follows through with them, we are the political home for you.

If you are one of the leaders of other eSA political parties we ask for you co-operation. We do not seek to these goals for our own gain, but rather because we sincerely believe in our vision for eSA and know that the only way we will reach this goal is to provide long term stable and sustained leadership. Constant changing of presidents and presidential goals, and how the government is structured and how and why we do various things is preventing us from actually achieving a lot of the goals we have set out for ourselves. We’d like to ask you to spend the time and have a look at our policy documents and see whether you can align your own policy with ours. Truly, together we can do more.

Thank you for reading this and best wishes for a bright 2010 you and all of eSA.

Hamilton Moore
South African Gold Party President
“Working Together We Can Do More”