The Sounding Sea

Day 515, 08:02 Published in Sweden South Africa by Oceanus
My Introduction
Ladies and Gentlemen, the time has come for me to enter the world of journalism. : ) First I'll introduce myself. I began my (current) eLife in Svealand, Sweden. My early days were uneventful. I spent my time private messaging Jizzie and working for a Swedish weapons company. The Swedes are very nice people and showered me with information and gifts, but I longed for a more tight knit English-speaking community. I decided to do some soul searching.
I set off for Germany around the time that it was entering Atlantis. There were plenty of fights to be had, but when the killing died down in Deutschland I moved on to Romania where the battles never stop. My loathing for Indonesia grew as I witnessed their atrocities first hand. Their TO attempts and widespread cloning prove their lack of honor or spirit of fair-play. I was reminded of our struggle here, and I missed my old African friends. I needed a place to call home, and so I returned to SA.

The New Paper
The name "The Sounding Sea" is sort of obscure, but it refers to the Iliad as well as Odyssey and seems appropriate for my citizen name. In both of these epic poems certain nouns are almost always preceded by an adjective. When referring to the ocean Homer almost almost uses the phrase "sounding" sea (or so it is traditionally translated) to imply to power and noise of the sea around them each time he refers to it.

My Congressional Run
This next election i'll be running with the BLF for congress in Limpopo. I would just like to say that I am extremely comitted to eSouth Africa and intend, if elected, to vote & propose with careful consideration. Also, I promise I'm not Brazilian ; p
