The Smart choice for congress : LordoIrish

Day 702, 06:51 Published in Ireland Ireland by LordoIrish

My fellow countrymen and women today I am asking you to vote LordoIrish on the 25th not because you have to but because I am the smart choice I will try and help every Irishman and women and I will try and make Ireland a better place.

There are many good people running for congress but in Cork and Kerry vote me as I will be your voice in congress I am here to help the people.

This Manifesto won’t be filled with empty promises or unreachable goals but filled with Realistic and worthwhile ideas that will make this emerald isle really shine.

So firstly I will tell you a little about me.
My name is LordoIrish I am a Journalist, Businessman and Irishman I believe in this country and want to help it. I own Tickets o Irish a successful Moving Tickets company and I am also owner of News o Irish a newspaper filled with interviews of Ireland greatest heroes. I am a member of the IUP and I would just like to say the IUP is a party filled with good people and is not filled with mindless drones that only join to be on the winning team.

Now I will tell you a little about my political views.

-I would like to keep the minimum wage as it, it keeps market prices down and gives the state companies a fallback plan, also with the war games going on new citizens do not need high level food.

- I think Ireland should have more of an Open boarder style of Immigration as we have a small population we should allow most applicants into the country , this would help our economy and Military force


- I think the current war games are great there increasing health and our new citizens are gaining level faster, for the people who say we shouldn’t be involved in PEACE war games I say this we are not involved with PEACE we are simply helping out our Nation and its citizens and if we can start war games with a neutral nation and they are cheap then we will join them.

Foreign Affairs:

As an ambassador to eParaguay I see the importance of ambassadors and how important good relations with other countries are and as a neutral nation we must keep good relations with as many countries as possible
- Now onto the Northern Ireland issue , many people want us to take Northern Ireland but they are letting RL issues cloud their judgment the only way we will ever take NI is by diplomacy and right now it’s out of our hands

Now you have an insight of why you should vote me I will be a dedicated and active congressmen and I will not be another scam artist looking for a badge and 5 gold because Personally I don't think that you should run for congress unless you intend to actively participate in improving your country.

Now just an ending

If you vote for me you will be voting for
One of Ireland’s most active citizens
You will know you are voting for dedicated and helpful congressmen
A Fair congressman that would proof read any Dail proposal twice
A man that will represent a true patriot and not a gold hungry crook
And some who will but the nation’s interests before his own

Thank you for reading

LordoIrish the Smart choice for congress

Vote LordoIrish in Cork and Kerry