The Small Party Union Constitution

Day 838, 19:40 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

The First Draft of the Small Party Union Constitution has been completed!
Over the next few days, delegates from all interested parties will be allowed to suggest additions, removals, or changes to the constitution.

Any small party in the eUnited States is allowed to join the Small Party Union
Just send a message to CivilAnarchy to get more information.

And without further ado, the First Draft of the Small Party Union Constitution!

-We the representatives of the Small Party Union hereby resolve
to agree towards inter party cooperation to achieve goals, and
to augment the political influence of each small party involved in the union, and
to ensure the stability of small parties against potential PTO's, and
to promote the election of small party members to political office, and
to combine the efforts of each party to better the gaming experience of each member.

-Delegates from many small parties in the eUs have convened in form to discuss the matter of a union of small parties, and upon review and completion of this charter, hereby establish the Small Party Union.

Article 1:1

-Any party that is below the rank of five in the eUnited States is able to request membership into the Small Party Union.
-Parties that surpass the rank of six in the eUnited States will not be expelled from the Small Party Union.
-Parties can be accepted into the Small Party Union immediately by the Director of Membership.
-No Party will be turned away from the Small Party Union based simply on their Political views.
-Parties ranked in the top five are allowed to apply for Sponsorship Status in the Small Party Union.
-Parties are responsible for submitting lists of their candidates for any position on the Directorate by the 16th of the month. No candidates will be accepted after that.
-Parties are responsible for submitting lists of their candidates for congress by the 22nd of each month. No candidates will be accepted beyond this date.
-Parties are allowed to leave the union at any time.

Article 1:2

-Any Party suspected of inflicting harm towards the Small Party Union can be suspended by the Director of Membership, and then expelled by a majority vote of the General Assembly.
-Any Party that does not comply with Small Party Union Protocol can be warned by the Director of Membership.
-A warning is a public notice of disapproval towards the actions of one or more Parties from the Small Party Union.

Article 2:1

-The General Assembly - The representative body of the Small Party Union
-Consisting of representatives of each member party of the Small Party Union
-Has the ability to elect Directors by a majority vote.
-Has the ability to impeach Directors by a two-thirds vote.
-Has the ability to confirm or deny Sponsorship requests by a majority vote.
-Has the ability to amend the Constitution through a two-thirds vote.
-Has the ability to push the Constitution into a Period of Revision by a Unanimous vote.
-Will have a mandatory convention on 17th of each month.
-General Assembly Members will not serve set terms, but will be chosen by their sponsor party.

Article 2:2

-Each member Party will be allowed to appoint their own GA members.
-Each member Party will receive one representative for each 50 members that they contain.
-A Census of each member Party will be conducted on the 17th of each month, in order to determine the amount of representatives that will be allocated to them.
-No party can have less than one representative.
-No party can have more than four representatives.
-Any Party with less than 50 members is allowed one representative.
-If a serving representative leaves his/her Party during any voting periods, without advance notice, or military reason, his/her vote is void.
-Parties are allowed to submit reports on the 17th claiming out of country military personnel as active Party members.

Article 3:1

-The Directorate: Board of five elected players that handle the majority of Small Party Union Actions.
-The Directorate will be divided into five separate positions: Membership, Elections, Treasury, War, and PTO/ATO.
-Each member of the Directorate can be impeached by the General Assembly through a two-thirds vote.
-The Directorate will be divided into five separate offices.
-A Director can be temporarily removed from power for three days by the Executive Director.
-Directors will serve terms of 30 days, to be reelected on the 17th of each month.

Article 3:2

-The Executive Director: Overseer of the Directorate, elected by majority vote of each Party President of the member parties of the Small Party Union.
-The Executive Director serves a term of 60 days, and will be elected on the 17th every two months.
-The Executive Director can be impeached by a two-thirds majority vote by the General Assembly.
-There is no term limit for Executive Directors, they can be elected for an indefinite amount of terms.

Article 3:3

-The Director of Membership will be elected on the 17th of each month, and serve a term of one month.
-The Director of Membership will have the ability to launch expulsion measures against any Party in the Small Party Union.

Article 3:4

-The Director of Elections will have the ability to view any participating Party's mobile voting force.
-The Director of Elections has the ability to publish articles in the Small Party Union paper pertaining to any Political moves of the Small Party Union.
-The Director of Elections has the final decision on Small Party Union sponsored Congressmen.
-The Director of Elections has the responsibility of coordinating all nominated Directors before the elections of said directors on the 17th, and presenting this list to the General Assembly.
-The Decisions of the Director of Elections during Congressional Elections cannot be questioned or blocked on election day.

Article 3:5

-The Director of Treasury has the ability to fully utilize the Small Party Union Bank upon its creation.
-The Director of Treasury has the ability to set any standards for the bank that they see fit.
-Upon election, the Director of Treasury must sign an in-game contract specifying that they will not steal any gold from Union accounts.
-The Director of Treasury is permitted to use Union funds for any use that they deem acceptable, besides their own personal use.

Article 3:6

-The Director of War will be able to muster and command a Small Party Union Militia.
-The Director of War has the authority to request assistance from participating Party Militias for combined operations.
-The Director of War may organize the forces of the Small Party Union in any way they see fit.
-The Director of War has the ability to appoint any lesser military officers that they deem necessary.
-The Director of War may request funds from the Director of Treasury, up to 20% of available funds, for military operations.
-The Director of War may coordinate with other Small Party Union officials to begin a Commune for military use.
-The Director of War may coordinate operations with other eUnited States Miltia's not in the Union, or the eUnited States Military.

Article 3:7

-The Director of PTO/ATO has the ability to command mobile votes to in country election operations.
-If the Director of PTO/ATO requires the use of mobile voting forces outside of the country, these operations must be approved by the General Assembly through a secret majority vote.
-The Director of PTO/ATO is the commander of all Small Party Union Intelligence forces.
-The Director of PTO/ATO has the ability to request up to 20% of Small Party Union funds for any operations.

Article 4:1

-The Small Party Union shall form a mobile voting force, coordinated by the Director of Elections.
-This force shall contain volunteers from any member Parties.
-These votes can only be used on Union sponsored candidates, regardless of the situation that they are in at the time of voting.
-The Director of Elections has the ability to request mobile voters from member Parties through this organization.
-The Small Party Union Forums will be the main coordination ground where this group's operations will take place.

Article 4:2

-The Small Party Militia will be in the direct command of the Director of War, and any other officials appointed by the Director of War.
-The Small Party Militia will consist of volunteer forces from any of the participating Parties of the Union.
-The Small Party Militia will coordinate its operations with other existing Party militias.
-At any time, with the permission of the Party leadership, a Party militia can merge into the Small Party Militia.
-The Small Party Militia can utilize a commune to further its military capability.

Article 4:3

-The Small Party ATO/PTO force will consist of volunteer forces from any of the participating Parties of the Small Party Union.
-The Small Party ATO/PTO force will be in the direct command of the Director of ATO/PTO.
-The Small Party ATO/PTO force cannot be used offensively against a member Party.
-The Small Party ATO/PTO force can only be used in the eUs, unless given General Assembly Approval.
-If the Director of ATO/PTO would like to conduct operations outside of the eUs, then it must be put up to a secret vote of the General Assembly, receiving a majority.

Article 4:4

-The Small Party Union Intelligence Force will consist of volunteer forces from any of the participating Parties of the Small Party Union.
-The Small Party Union Intelligence Force will be under the direct command of the Director of ATO/PTO.
-The Small Party Union Intelligence Force cannot be used offensively against a member Party.
-The Small Party Union Intelligence Force can operate outside of the eUs, as long as they are in direct contact with a commanding officer.
-The Director of ATO/PTO will be allowed to coordinate the Small Party Union Intelligence Force in any way they see fit.
-The Director of ATO/PTO is allowed to put in place lesser officers to coordinate operations.

Article 4:5

-The Small Party Bank will be an organization to aid Small Party members in the creation of business.
-The Small Party Bank will be created once the Small Party Union can muster enough gold to make a significant investment.
-The Small Party Bank will be fully administered by the Director of Treasury.
-Access to the Small Party Bank can only be denied to a member Party during a period of Expulsion.

Article 4:6

-The Small Party Commune will be jointly administered by the Director of War, and Director of Treasury.
-The Small Party Commune will be a mainly military organ of the Small Party Union.
-The Small Party Commune will be created upon significant investment.
-The Small Party Commune will be open to all members of participating Parties.
-The Small Party Commune will be owned by the Small Party Organization Account.

Articlel 4:7

-The Small Party Organization account will be jointly administered be the Director of Elections and the Director of Treasury.
-The Director of Elections will have access to the Newspaper on the Small Party Union Organization Account.
-The Director of Treasury will operate the Small Party Bank and Small Party Commune through this organization.
-The Director of War will not be able to access the Small Party Organization Account, but will be able to request expansion of the Commune, which will be owned by the Small Party Organization Account.
-Any member of the Small Party Union is allowed to submit articles, pending approval by the Director of Elections, and have that article published in the Small Party Union Newspaper.

Article 5:1

-Each Party is allowed to nominate as many Congressmen for Small Party Union Endorsement as they have representatives.
-No Congressmen will be denied endorsement based upon their political beliefs.
-Congressmen will be ranked in priority by the Director of Elections based up their knowledge of the game, activity, and experience.

Article 6:1

-During the Period of Revision of the Constitution, any changes are to be posted in the forum, in their appropriate sections.
-Changes during the Period of Revision do not require a voting process, and will be decided through a proper debate and discussion.
-The General Assembly has the ability to push the Constitution into a period of Revision through a Unanimous vote.
-The Constitution can be amended by a two-thirds vote by the General Assembly.

Article 7:1

-Upon signature of this document, a party becomes officially part of the Small Party Union, and is entitled to take part in any of the actions and organizations of the Small Party Union.

Article 8:1
Signatures - CivilAnarchy, Socialist Freedom Party.

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