The Singa-Malay-merge...

Day 519, 07:07 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

We have during these last days seen an huge amount of articles, debates and discussions about a possible future merge between Malaysia and Singapore.
This is something we should not see as a problem as it means that we are active and still here, but the problem may be in that fact, that the nation is standing in two parts.

We have one camp which is against a merge, one camp which is for a merge, and probably some which stands somewhere between probably leaning or looking towards one of the sides.
We can for example see Vikta as one of the strong guys for a merge, and Ramos Sanchez as against the merge, also it's these two people which have been highly active in article writing even if we have seen some activity from some others just as well.
But to the point and it's about the merge and how we should deal with it...

Malaysia have some huge problems, we know that. Many of us also know that we are under the threat from many nations like Thailand (318 citizens, but it's PEACE), Indonesia and Singapore (which have in comments said that they could just as well invade us, instead of a merge).
We have also a weak economy, a shortage of weapons if we now would be under attack and we don't have a proper army-structure if we now would need to defend ourselves...

But at the same time we have a very important thing, we have our independence, we have the ability to govern Malaysia in the best way possible and we are free.
We don't need to obey the Singaporeans or Thais!

Thats also why I would like to propose that we will postpone the discussion about a Merge until after the congresselections, or even so far as the presidency election.
We can now make it an issue about politics, the party which wins the congress or/and the president will have the ability to decide the future. After all, it's democracy.

MAP partyleader Gustavius.


Also I would like to remind everyone in Malaysia to join our national forum.
Lately the forum have become rather active, and if you are there, then you can help Malaysia grow in too a strong and proud nation!