The Second Grand #E-Pub WEAPONS Giveaway!

Day 1,558, 06:05 Published in Australia Australia by Testware

Hi all,
It's time again for more giveaways!
Step right up, don't be shy. If you're eAussie, and you feel like you could use some weapons to shoot 'em crazies with, you're in the right place!

You'd look just as cool if you had weapons.

Just comment below with "Count me in!" and join #E-Pub on Rizon (IRC) and idle around for a few days. If I see your comment here, and see you in #E-Pub - you stand to win a lot of Q5 tanks!

How do you win?

Register yourself for the giveaway before 00:00 eRep time on the 27th of February. I'll check your experience points soon after day change and then a week later - the player with the most experience gained over the week gets the weapons!

Prizes are:
1st Place: 70 Q5
2nd Place: 50 Q5
3rd Place: 30 Q5

So get your game face on, and walk away with the easiest contest ever!
This giveaway is open to eAus citizens of ANY level! Prizes courtesy popu888.

Yes, weapons are good too 😃
