The Season of New Life

Day 882, 14:02 Published in Canada Canada by Craig Norman

Men and Women of eCanada,

As I was walking home from work today, I noticed the beautiful flowers starting to bloom around me. Though the warmth of the sun hugged me as I walked, I was greeted by a cool breeze, which was a magical combination. It seemed everyone in the city was out with a dog or a baby and they were beaming. The good weather can do wonders to lift the spirit of a person. Especially in a country with winters that are cold and dark.

This all speaks to the time we are entering. This season – the season of new life – is quickly coming all around us. As we walk, flowers bloom and the trees seem to be stretching their arms. It’s a wonderful time and I’d like to think that the birthing of new life and new energy is not limited only to our trees and flowers. New life is coming all around us especially in our broken politics. We see a growing number of Canadians calling and working for positive change. This energy and enthusiasm for new hope will soon give birth to a revolutionary movement. It is our wish that this new movement be as refreshing as the cool breeze I spoke of earlier.

Let us wish new life to all parts of this nation. Let us wish new life to those who may be suffering a real-life medical burden. Indeed, as we are surrounded by life, we are still faced with grief. Let us wish new life to our national leaders so that they may embrace policies of hope. Let us wish new life to our friends and let us wish new life to our families. Let us wish new life to the Canadian family in this game. Let us wish a new life and a new faith to spread across the land. Let us wish that this new faith will cleanse those who have been broken by grief, sorrow and apathy. Let us wish that this faith will restore the moral and ethical character of our politicians. Let us wish that this new life and new faith will heal our people. For while we are broken, we are one and witnessing the blooms of spring.

Above all, let this season of new life be a call for change. In the season of new life, let us all look at ourselves and work to better ourselves. Let us become more loving, caring and compassionate to the poor and sick. Let us be more generous with our guns, and gold. Let us welcome new immigrants with open arms while being watchful for those subverters of the national good. Let us become the kind and creative nation of this world. Let us accept the call to action and witness new life as well as help to create it. Let us be the nation of change and fairness. Let us be witnesses to all new life.

With the energy of a new spiritual way, go forward. Spread the words of love and life in this season of revival.

