The Sanctuary; Two questions

Day 876, 05:54 Published in USA USA by Wladimir Rascian
Leave weapons and bad language,
This is The Sanctuary

(😉This is an intermezzo before PTO article...

There are two questions every citizen should ask him/herself:

~Who am I?

~This really resembles my RL diary

Many months ago I was born in eSerbia. Since then many nations fell, many strenghtened, many died. I tried to contribute eSerbia on its way towards glory, but soon realized that all wars, all conquests and alliances benefit only the puppetmasters, heads of state. Every country has its own group of puppetmasters. Their number varies from couple of dozens to a hundred or more. Common citizens are just pawns of chess game which puppetmasters play since the dawn of time.
You can see their struggle during Congress or Presidential elections, you can see their struggle during battles over territories and new resources which will benefit one of group of puppeteers. This is nothing new... Same is IRL.
I realised that I was a bit disappointed in all players. How did we allowed this World to become as lame as that outside our monitor?

I travelled a lot since then. Tried to find a society which does not resembles RL. eSerbia, eHungaria, eIndonesia, eSweden, eCroatia, eUSA,... All the same.
It came to me that the situation is not the same in „smaller“ countries. I tried to observe situation in eIreland, eIsrael and eUrugvay. Nothing interesting there either (I liked eIreland though; It looked to me as if they all know each other there; eUrugvay is so boring... or is it my lack of knowledge of Spanish?).

I decided to move to eCzech Republic, since their country was opened for new citizens. I came there with intention to help rebuild this country destroyed by ePolish armies passing.
There I realised that, although they battled to maintain some level of independence, „Great Powers“ don't allow smaller countries to thrive!
Soon other Serbs started to come in great numbers, as came Hungarians, as came Polaks, as came Romanians... They soon TO all Parties, they started their PTO attempt, which is, by now, already over. Country is in Romanian hands, and majority of RL Czechs fled to Slovakia, a nation that they wanted to unite with before TO teams came from various countries.
When I asked my countryman from one of PTO teams what are they going to do with CZR he said to me some rubbish. He is supported by eSerbian president so he will do exactly what his orders are.

I was tired of finding a nice place to start from the beginning. I moved back to eUSA, to work, think and write. I like the sound of Miami beaches IRL, so Florida is my current home.

~Why do I play eRepublik?

~Bright future of RL seen in eRepublik society?

Sure not because of the eternal struggle of puppetmasters! It is TRAGIC, IT'S RL!
I love to read thoughts of common fellas, dudes, guys and buddies of eWorld. I love to see citizens who think in front of their time, who wish to build the society of the future.

I still hope I'll find e-society free from the first type of players, which allows second type to express themselves. That is the society of the XXII century Earth, and I want to know it.
Until then, I'll watch, read, and write (just a little bit)...

Love the Earth

Don't vote if this bored you. Don't sub if you don't like, cuz I won't get better in writing.

"Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus"
De contemptu mundi
"Go then. There are other worlds than these."
Jake of New York
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!!
Stanley Kubrick