The Sanctuary; There is something in Poland...

Day 899, 11:24 Published in USA USA by Wladimir Rascian
Leave weapons and bad language,
This is The Sanctuary

(😉This is an intermezzo before neutrality article

After my last article, I took some time to think. As I wrote in my last shout: World shivers.
I couldn't write about neutrality during all day battles all around the world, this theme is for times of tranquillity.

In the meantime, I was attending RL Congress in Krakow Poland, one of the most beutiful Central European towns, with rich medieval history, wonderful architecture and vivid nightlife which reminded me of Belgrade (city considered European Bangkok). From the socialistic-era suburbs to the Wawel Castle, from Polish hooligans (Nožovnicy Kazimierz) to pleasant girls of Krakow, I found little space to think about eRepublik.

~I'll write something anyway, not to remind you that I still e-live and write, but to send you the message from small town in Poland called Oświęc:

~Sentence which made God cry.

As in RL, we must fight against collective mind societies in (e)World.
We must not allow ourselvs to be puppeted, and controled by small, chosen group of individuals.
We must not allow ourselves to become pawns of someones chess game.
Each person must hold onto his/her believes.
Always question acts of your e-government!
Explore (e)World before you start judging others...

Live and let others live!
Don't hate!
This way, you will improve yourself, you will enjoy (e)life.

~Yes, Life is beautiful

~Sad thing:

Max McFarland 2 is trying to enter clinical death.
As a pharmacist, I cannot allow this to happen! Max, I'll gift you as long as I can!

~Something refreshing
Serbian rock from 70's:
/Smak – „People, it's not fair! Man lives like a dog“/

"Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus"
De contemptu mundi
"Go then. There are other worlds than these."
Jake of New York
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!!
Stanley Kubrick