The Sanctuary; Concept of neutrality - Being neutral for real

Day 924, 13:07 Published in USA USA by Wladimir Rascian
Leave weapons and bad language,
This is The Sanctuary

(😉I started to write article about neutrality over a month ago, but wars in Korea and RL issues did their job well enough. I almost forgot what I started.
I address you, my readers, my elite. Don't allow to fall in the misery of everyday grayness. Don't allow to be told what to do, and where to fight. You can e-live pretty fine, just erase borders of New World, travel around, and you'll find a lot of interesting people in small countries such as Uruguay, or Korea, or Slovakia, or Ireland.

~What is neutrality? Is neutrality possible, or not, in bipolar world?
Last example denying nation right to be neutral was Japanese invasion of (South) Korea, small, neutral country. An act which now provoked Korea to, at some point, leave neutrality concept, and be much closer to Phoenix, as Russia approached and helped this society to remain free.
These questions became highlighted after Indian president published article in which he demands return of Karnataka to India, and presents plan to the entire New World in which he sees India as independent and neutral country.

~Can India be neutral? Can this nation thrive without US protection?
If you want answers on these questions, you must first collect answers on first two.

Let us see if we can answer that. As I promised, I found the most competent man to answer on this question.
Back in December 2009. I stumbled on an article about great justice fighter, the person who opposes both EDEN and Phoenix, and wants to build small societies, not to destroy or subjugate them if they are small and helpless, as majority of players who are devoted to alliances want.
This guy, to whom I owe much since his philosophy postponed my natural e-death, is truly one of the most interesting characters, with rich history in New World.
This person is Arjay Phoenician, the guy that I interviewed several weeks ago, and which you'll be able to read below.

„This is what we do, my friend, we do the right thing.“ – from Arjay to Wladimir, Korean trenches during Japanese invasion

~Interview with Arjay:


Q.What is neutrality?
In eRepublik, neutrality is the attempt a country makes to stay out of the superalliance paradigm. For most of the V1 era, the e-world has been dominated by the gruesome twosome, ATLANTIS-EDEN-Brolliance on one hand, PEACE-Phoenix on the other. Neutrality is what a country declares when they don’t want to be part of the never-ending aggression, lying, backstabbing, PTO’s, manipulation, and posturing that goes on in this relentless campaign.

Q. Is neutrality possible in bipolar world?
I think, if a country has a community nucleus with a fierce sense for self-determination, that understands game mechanics for what they are and doesn’t turn them into a religion, and that sees the superalliances as threats to their national identities, even if used for their protection, then yes, it’s possible.
The real question is, is neutrality probable? It’s tough. You have both superalliances putting various pressures on every country in the world, either through militant intimidation, propaganda, or getting caught in the crossfire. The most clever countries can say no to them, but they don’t take no for an answer. If you have strong leadership, they’ll try to undermine it with propaganda, outright lies in necessary. If you have capable defenses, they’ll PTO your ass. They’ll hawk your every move, every little mistake you make, they’ll be on you with I TOLD YOU SO and nag you until you change policy.
I’ve come to believe that being part of either the EDEN sphere of influence or the Phoenix empire, for all but about eight countries in the world, is not a choice. It is an act taken out of fear, of desperation, or of abuse. To protect your countries, governments are obliged to seek every alternative, and for many, it’s better and easier to give into the pressure than to fight and possibly lose your country in the process.
Membership in a second-tier alliance, like l’Entente or Sol, doesn’t solve the problem. Sol is in the US’s pocket and therefore part of the EDEN side, the ALA has always been under Phoenix’s thumb, and l’Entente has not proven themselves viable.

Q. What are the greatest treats to neutrality?
The greatest threat to neutrality is this idea that’s out there, that you can’t survive without the superalliances, that the world is inherently divided between the two of them, and if you’re bold enough to put concepts like honor, dignity, and sovereignty ahead of this superficiality, you’ll be laughed out of the room. The superalliances themselves are sinister enough, and I truly don’t see anything honorable in their existence, but it’s this worldwide groupthink that feeds them, it leads good people to take part in the most despicable of acts.
Because people see themselves as part of a team, part of Team EDEN or Team Phoenix, they start to buy into the belief that anything goes, so long as their side wins, it was done for the “greater good”. When your country is victimized by a PTO, you cry bloody murder, but if factions from your superalliance go out there and PTO a country, they’re cheered on. If an army has to go through one country to “liberate” another, they’ll gladly violate their sovereignty without a thought. I’ve seen nations completely wiped off the map, just so EDEN or Phoenix could gain a tactical advantage over the other.
The superalliances gave up on the concept of peace and defense a long time ago, and I don’t think either have ever acted with a shred of honor. The greatest threat to neutrality is the flawed belief most citizens of this world hold that you need to give up your individuality, your dignity, and your sovereignty to the superalliances in order to survive.

Q. How can neutral nation maintain its neutrality?
In those cases where neutrality has been tried and successful to some extent, the common denominator has always been a strong, united, spirited community, one where communication is established, where the media is vibrant, and where the nucleus firmly believes that their sovereignty is sacred. I just left South Korea, a country with a history plagued by PTO’s and invasions, but for the past three months, because they’ve put together a cohesive and bustling community, they’ve thwarted PTO attempts, they’ve put their economy and military back together, and they’re doing it without being in any alliance at all. South Africa was much the same way, they were held together by strong and focused leadership, they communicated well, they had each other’s backs, and for the last few months of 2009, they were the prime example of what a small country could do to keep itself in position to call its own shots.

Q. Writer sees you as justice-fighter. What's your future plans?
A. Right now, I'm running for president of South Korea. This has been a crazy month, with the Japanese invading us, but we've pushed them out and are rebuilding. Gone are the days when we could get away with flying under everyone's radar and just be small and insignificant, hoping no one would care enough about us to take a shot at us. The Japanese killed that logic once and for all. My biggest fear is, with our set of MPP's, we'll be perceived as taking a side in the superalliance dance of death, something no one here wants, but it may not be our choice. Phoenix, EDEN, Brolliance, they can all go to hell as far as I'm concerned, but I'm just the guy with the biggest mouth in the smallest country in the world.

~Something really nice:

"Stat Roma pristina nomine, nomina nuda tenemus"
De contemptu mundi
"Go then. There are other worlds than these."
Jake of New York
Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me?
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!!!
Stanley Kubrick