The SA economy. (READ AND COMMENT!)

Day 273, 11:50 Published in South Africa Sweden by Rhood

When I left Sweden for this country i had a working contract in the housing industrie ready, with a company owner. He offered me 7 SEK's each day i worked. With this article I just want to say how bad the SA economy is and start a discussion on what we can do about this.
For those who don't know 1 SEK is about a third of 1 ZAR, wich would mean that if I would get the same sallary here in SA it would be about 21 ZAR each working day.

How can we make the economy better? I am writing this because it is or atleast should be in our's and the governements interest's to hear and reflect about. I'm also writing this so that if my party, the African Socialist Party wins the general elections will know what to do.

You have anything to say or any ideas? This is the normal citizens time in the spotlight and what you say makes a difference. We will listen to what you say, this is the time for you to help us decide.