The Role of the Guard: Keeping New Soldiers Interested

Day 524, 09:30 Published in USA USA by Hari Michaelson

It's been a while since I've written an article. I would have written one last Friday, but I'm getting really tired of writing Sober Friday Night Articles. It makes me look bad.

Hari Michaelson

The Role of the Guar😛 Keeping New Soldiers Interesed

What is perhaps the eUSA's greatest asset in the New World is our size. Just today the number of new citizens in our nation made up over 15% of the new citizens to enter the New World. The potential this gives us as a nation is amazing, and it is a power that we hold above all others.

Of course, the operative word here is potential. Those numbers are meaningless if a majority of them are simply left to die. In any area of competition be it war or economic struggle, the strongest nation will be supported by a large, active population. Creating a player base of active, involved players is one of the greatest tasks that our nation constantly faces, and as such keeping new players active and involved is one of the greatest services that an organization can provide.

Ask any new player who has become a member of the Guard, and I have no doubt that they will agree:

The National Guard serves this function.

The first days in the New World are the most confusing, hardest, and loneliest for a player. You know no one, you're not sure what to do, and you can't do much aside from work, train, and watch from the sidelines while older, more established players dominate. The Guard reaches out to players in this position and gives them a reason to keep playing.

We provide training to help new players avoid blunders they would have been unaware of otherwise. The new player is no longer alone in the New World, but they are now a part of something bigger. They have their Platoon CO and XO to help them, they have other Guardsmen with whom they now share a common bond. They are given the chance to recieve recognition and reward for their dedication, and because of all of this there is a new incentive to keep playing.

By helping the new players in this country find their own personal reason to remain a citizen of the New World, the Guard is nurturing the soldiers and leaders of tomorrow.

National Guard Enlistment Form

The Muckraker: Proud sponser of the PTO of Wyoming.