The road to congress

Day 849, 14:42 Published in USA USA by Old Man Jenkins67

As a complete n00b to politics in this game (you cannot be anything else unless you are in politics already,) I wanted to document my road to running for congress.
I researched how to get started. I read the same thing over and over: Get involved, volunteer, become a deputy ambassador,become involved on the message boards, and IRC.
OK I have done these things (still trying with the IRC thing.)
Then I found out you need party "endorsements." Not sure what this meant, I pm'd my party president. They said look for the form in the upcoming paper. Did this mean their paper? The parties paper? I just did not know.
I went to the parties page (on eRepublik) and somehow stumbled on the little balloon that took me to my parties forum. I registered and told them I would love to run for congress in Arizona (I figured I would start with a wasteland state.)
I then read you must be a member of the forum for at least 30 days before I could run. I went back an edited my post begging: Even though I just joined "Can I still run for Congress?"
That was yesterday. No response yet.
So, I moved to AZ. Put my bid up for Congressman of AZ.
As of yet I have no endorsement.
I even asked a very popular Ecitizen to endorse me somehow. He said "Make me P.P. and I will..."
I have no platform because I have no idea what my parameters are as a congressman. I could say "Raise import taxes!" I could say "Lower income taxes!" But I do not know if I can really do this.
I do like the fact that my P.P. says they want to run a transparent government. I can get behind this...
So this is the road to Congress for me. A lot of red tape, which I will continually document in my paper "The Modern Drunkard."
If you want to follow me on this road, vote and sub and we will all see what happens." alt>