The Rising Tide

Day 1,069, 15:52 Published in New Zealand USA by Pragmat

Greetings New Zealand,

Tomorrow is election day. Tomorrow we go to the polls from Otago to Auckland, Wellington to Canterbury in an effort to keep our nation free.

Do not be fooled my friends, the Free New Zealand party does not represent our best interests. Take a look at their members, take a look at their articles, they represent nothing but an attempt from outside forces to come here en mass and make New Zealand kneel to Serbia.

We are not going to let them.

We have had our differences, our quarrels and disagreements. We may not agree on everything, but we do all agree that we do not want Serbia running our country!

Our votes are our weapons tomorrow, they are our voice crying out for freedom to decide for ourselves the path this country will take. Yes it is only a game, but it is our game just as much as it is theirs and we deserve to be able to enjoy ourselves as we see fit.

Inspiration pt. 1

Tomorrow we need each and every one of you to do your part. Contact the ATO directors and support the candidates from the New Zealand Union Party. Together we can hold back this rising tide, together we can keep our freedom. Together we can show the world that though small, we are mighty, though young, we are fierce.

Inspiration Pt. 2

Good luck tomorrow Kiwis. Keep your heads up and together we can make it through.

Thank you and God bless, see you on the other side

Daniel Dodge