The RiPl Foundation's Splash Review and 6 New Homeowners!

Day 932, 20:31 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa
Please support The RiPl Foundation's projects by voting, sharing, subscribing or even donating.

"...the flap of one butterfly's wings could create a hurricane on the other side of the world. Or change the course of weather forever."

For those of you that don't know, the goal of The RiPl Foundation is to trigger RiPl's. An acronym for Receive, Implement, Pass on, Leave your own (see below for detailed explanation). Encouraging player-to-player communication, networking, resource sharing and thereby game enjoyment and retention.

Results of The RiPl Foundation's third push:

I'm very happy to say that this was a compete success! I received a huge amount of response and support swarming me with PM's and encouragement to continue. To everyone that contributed via donations to keep us rolling forward, to everyone that simply sent a note of appreciation, I thank you! There is no way I could keep this going purely on my own resources and motivation.

The goal's set forth are still not close to achieved however, but with each go at it, comes clarity and knowledge about how to proceed for MAXIMUM IMPACT!

Countless Weapons, Food, and gifts were handed out to over 200 citizens. In turn many of you chose to continue the RiPl or made a your own Splash's by taking the initiative to generously give to others and ask them to continue it on. So there truly is no way for me to measure the amount of people effected. One thing I hope to create soon is a method of monitoring RiPls so we can see where they travel, how and who they effect.

Without further ado, the recipients of our 6 RiPl Foundation house's are:

Zeutheir - Q2 House
Robbob1er - Q1 House
ThomasRourke - Q1 House
Franz Molotov - Q1 House
Crucifixpandaninja - Q1 House
rolltidegopokes - Q1 House

Congratulations to all of you! While I only wish I could do more, hopefully those will help out. Please pass the house on to a younger player or someone else that might need it when you upgrade or your own resources permit. Enjoy 😉

And don't worry, we will be doing this again shortly. So please keep your eyes pealed and direct any new players to our next Splash. We still have a ways to go before...

A more in depth explanation of a RiPl:

RReceive a RiPl in the form of anything, it's limitless within the scope of the game. It could be Food, Gifts, Weapons, Mentoring/Knowledge, Raw Materials, a Ticket to fight or even a Home to be passed on to a younger player once it's upgraded. My hope here is that you will come up with idea's I never even imagined.

I Very simple, yet an absolute necessity for RiPl's to work effectively. Implement the RiPl in your own eLife!

PPass the RiPl on to another player in the form they can use best. I encourage the discovery of younger players for this. As they obviously are more in need than the established. But passing this on to anyone in a form they can use positively is accomplishing the goal. In some case's helping an older player will in turn be helping even more newer players.

LMake a “splash.” Leave your own RiPl by being the source energy. Remember one RiPl could last for eternity and even change the faces of nations.

A few of many helpful links:

DoD Orders - Official eUS battle orders. A must-have for every citizen. Subscribe now!
eUS Forum – great resource for learning, info and connecting with others!
USA Welcoming Committee – offers help and assistance to new players.
USA Department of the Interior – newspaper articles chock-full of helpful information.

And thanks again for your support by Voting, Subscribing, Sharing and donating to The Ripl Foundation if you can.

Respectfully yours,

Julian Mizu
Director of The Ripl Foundation

Until next time...remember to